Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Weltmädchentag Girls Day 2024 in Gifhorn: Veranstalter zeehen Fazit

Weltmädchentag Girls Day 2024 in Gifhorn: Veranstalter zeehen Fazit

On the well-known quality of the brand use of machines: Auch in Gifhorn dear wieder a Weltmädchentag with buchstäblich buntem Programm. But es went beim Girls Day nicht nur darum, Gifhorns Stadthalle and the Schottische Mühle pink anzustrahlen. My name is Rittersaal and I am responsible for an extensive program of culture and themed workshops.

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Read more after that Anzeige

The Veranstaltenden see a positive Fazit. The Plan Aktionsgruppe Wolfsburg-Gifhorn, together with the Gleichstellungsbeauftragten, the Kreisjugendpfleger, the Stabstelle Integration and many other network partners and associates, have praised Andrea Kolbe van der Plan AG: ‘With the Actions zum diesjährigen Weltmädchentag ist es gelungen, die Power von Jugendlichen and for all the Mädchen in the Mittelpunkt zu put.”

These active activities in Rittersaal

Through the inspiration of the KinderKulturKarawane IYASA from Simbabwe, which gives a theater performance in the BSK hall, the pop-up market with music input and workshops is opened, while the music industry is busy with Pinkifizier a description of Bauwerke ben Abend fächerte sich a buntes Programm auf . When there are wars, find trouble in young Leute, for all people.

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Read more after that Anzeige

More than 20 years ago, the children’s rights organization Plan International started a little, motherhood in the world of children’s rights was always young. The focus of the Children’s Rights Organization lay in the changing situation of Mädchen and Jungen in guarding conflicts.

Auch 2025 wieder a Weltmädchentag

The idea of ​​​​the Gestaltung of the Weltmädchentags 2025 is the best way to get rich. “All activities are no longer possible, especially for those who are happy and happy.”


By Sheisoe

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