Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Blaulichtreport: Three men grift on the Festplatz at the age of 18 and climb into

Blaulichtreport: Three men grift on the Festplatz at the age of 18 and climb into

The police are equipped with a police force in Rheinfelden and a police force in Bad Säckingen. Dazu kommen a Diebstahl in Waldshut and a Reifenstecher, der ebenfalls in Bad Säckingen tätig war.

Bad Säckingen: Die Täter hauen ab

The 18th anniversary is on Saturday, October 19, between 18 and 19 hours, at the Festplatz in the Austraße in Bad Säckingen of three Männern engriffen und verletzt be, die Polizei am Donnerstag, 24. Oktober. If you consider that this is a Jugendliche bezielingsweise Reranwachsende trade.

One of the men’s wars lasts 18 years. Der wolllte den Übeltäter zur Rede set. There are other people who can exercise their power and power. If I am on the Treppe that was founded in the 18th century, Boden is lying, there is more to be done.

There you can enjoy the Täter flüchteten – sie nahmen de Tasche des Geschädigten mit. The bag is anyway, more resistance may occur.

The Police Bad Säckingen (07761 934-0) is available for advice.

Rheinfelden: 44-years-old beraubt zwei Schüler

Auch in Rheinfelden is a bit Angriff – and a Raub. Ein 44-Jähriger soll am Montag, 21. Oktober, 7.50 Uhr, in der Müßmattstraße zwei Schüler, eleven- and 13-jährig, nach Geld gefragt, in der Folge angegriffen haben. If the Schüler das Geld nicht herausrücken wolllten.

Der Täter ließ der Polizei zufolge nicht locker, er is klaute sich Geldmünzen from the Jackentasche eines der Schüler. The two young people are drowning, the man is drowning. An attack is in progress.

Both Jungs were able to ski away and they ate a flight in the nearby school. The police spat Mann up and entered the party. Auf Antrag der Staatsanwaltschaft would have a subordinate asbefehl-welding.

Stühlingen: Two lost at Unfall on the B314

After an Unfall at the Service Day, October 22, at 3 p.m., the war that B314 at Stühlingen was completely blocked for a Weile. Whoever informs the police comes with a car and a Mercedes Sprinter. Two people were lost.

Höhe Eberfingen wollte een 58-Jährige with my Gespann von der Zollstraße auf the Bundesstraße biengen. A 51-year-old man drives his Sprinter – a force.

Laut Angaben wurden die 58-Jährige en der Mitfahrer im Mercedes ins Krankenhaus. The Fahrzeuge must be salvaged.

Rettungsdienst, Feuerwehr and Polizei were in Einsatz.

Bad Säckingen: Fußgängerin (81) angefahren

A Fußgängerin (81) is on duty, October 22, 6:50 PM, at the Kreuzung Untere Flüh/Zähringer Straße in Bad Säckingen vom Auto eines 38-Jährigen ergasst en verletzt zijn. If the police were notified, the woman would be contacted by the Rettungsdienst in the Krankenhaus.

The 81 year old has skied on the Fußgängerüberweg when he is driven by the car. It’s sturdy.

Die Polizei Bad Säckingen (07761 934-0) please let us know.

Waldshut-Tiengen: Diebe nehmen Kasse des Wildgeheges mit

An appointment is made from October 21 to 22 between the assembly and the service, in the wilderness of the Kasse when entering the brooch and the following matters. Beute: 20 Euro. The Damages (1000 Euro), the damage caused would be much worse.

Die Polizei auf dem Revier in Waldshut (07751 8316-0) is a Hinweise.

Bonndorf: Unfall auf der L171

In Bonndorf, near Industriegebiet, on the morning of October 22, around 7 p.m., a 21-year-old with signal Auto von der L171 arrived. That Ursache is not clearly explained. The young Mann was said to have been lost and taken to the Krankenhaus in the Rettungswagen.

Sein Auto demolishes a building and lands in Straßengraben. Den Schaden gives the Polizei an amount of 8,000 euros per year. Auch die Feuerwehr war in Einsatz.

It could be interesting

Canton Aargau

Farouk is the Hero! The police dog sniffs out a missing person (82) – so rettet is ihm das Leben

Hundeführer and Besitzer Markus Lüscher with his Farouk.

Bad Säckingen: Strafanzeige against Reifenstecher

Thanks a Zeugin, the Police in Bad Säckingen a Reifenstecher (70) found out. On Montag, October 21, around 1 p.m., at the Kloster-/Bergseestraße there is a Reifen abgestellten Autos zerstochen. The police are claiming damages of 150 euros. Der 70-Jährige hat jetzt een Strafanzeige am Hals.

Rheinfelden: Einbruchsversuch bei der Feuerwehr

During the Night of the Service on Mittwoch, October 22 to 23, you can visit the Feuerwehrgerätehaus in Römerstraße in Rheinfelden. For the other products there is a police report, which is sent by the police. Dies mislang, die Unbekannten brachen ab. Am Tor entstand Damages for beef 3000 Euro. Das Polizeirevier Rheinfelden (07623 74040) please let us know.

It could be interesting

High Rhine

Blaulichtreport: Two cars crash frontally into another – the Fahrer has been lost

More serious accident at Pratteln in Canton Basel-Landschaft: Both Fahrer, a Mann (41) and a Frau (60), were lost in the Spital.

By Sheisoe

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