Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

“Floskeln statt Allianzen”: Who is Putin isolated?

“Floskeln statt Allianzen”: Who is Putin isolated?

💡 Peter Jungblut played for the BR24 culture in the debate that reported a Russian Angriffskrieg in Ukraine. This is a Russian media, telegram channels and social media, and we can use the einschätzungen / stimmen to be serialized and have an order of things. So we will see that millions of people within the Russian language have the first disputations.

Putin himself has done his best to take on the international state community. AntĂłnio Guterres, the president of the UN General, said that the nations themselves proclaimed the family broadcasts, the Russian president said: “So machen wir es. Auch in Families gibt es miunter Unstimmigkeiten, Skandale en Streit ums Geld, manchmal kommt es sogar zu handgreiflichkeiten.” Putin sees his way as a stranger.

“Money Lies Die Silently”

From the BRICS meeting in Kasan, Russia, Seine Propaganda would be a “great English diplomatic siege for Wladimir Putin”, who was the credit politician Sergei Markow: “Jetzt became clear about the USA and the Baltic Länder, over a significant isolation of Russia in der Welt zu rode.” Parliament Speaker Vyatscheslaw Wolodin triumphed with Russia through Putin with an international “magnets”.

If the US government blames Markow for the Abschlusserklärung of new BRICS Mitgliedsländer, in Brazil and South Africa, “eher neutral” form, says: “An attempt to write to Chinese diplomats, or Russian, with Hinweisen in China and India .”

Dmitri Drise, the columnist of the Russian Wirtschaftszeitung “Kommersant”, says that it is the BRICS State that wrote “vielfach gewunden and with oriental unconnectedness”: “Geld liebt die Stille.” The Russian Exil-Politologist Witwali Portnikow meinte sĂĽffisant: “Yes, Putin is not isolated in the global economy of South Africa, but he is isolated in the world. There must be abspeisen welding with Floskeln, statt with real Allianzen. Die BRICS-Staaten his pure Deko and Putin will be a student ‘nerd’ who has his own citizenship, if the Kommilitonen do not come up with a Torte themselves.”

“Good since money is not small”

Polit blogger Andrei Nikulin is a German sarcastic. It is clear that the BRICS Treaty has brought the states with Venezuela, Iran, Belarus and Syria into Russia’s Kreidestehen and a bonität in “negative territory”. Putin stopped with the Vertretern die Staaten bezahlen with an “imperialer Angeberei” Hof and mĂĽsse das teuer: “Part of the money supply is not small and prepared, I can tolerate the Herrn a few friendly Worte auch Schmarotzer zu dulden.” Putin’s partner wants to insult his debts with “Schmeicheleien” absolute: “Wir hoffen, ihr wusstet, wem ihr unser geld in de Rachen worfen habt.”

The propaganda jubilation in the Kreml is a bit Russian Blogger: “(The Indian Chief of State Narendra) Modi is still absent, (the Brazilian President) Lula da Silva did not come first, Xi wollte nicht in a Russian Limousine on his own, sie Is it US- Dollar festival stopped and is there an Abschluss document in Ukraine?

“Russia is a Fremder”

If in London, Mr Wladimir Pastuchow is aware, Putin is ‘nor strangely isolated’, but the world in southern Ukraine has never become ‘taub’. From a diplomatic company of the Krems that has found a trotzdem keine rede signal: “The Gipfel in Kasan comes in on the vor Eitelkeit platzenden Postbeamten Juli Karandyschew (from the sowjetischen Spielfilm “Eine Volga-Romanze” after the Drama “Mädchen ohne Mitgift” von Alexander Ostrowski) , the entire Schickimicki-Gesellschaft involves the celebrations for the hospitality, it is a matter of laughter and more than with the music of Russia at the Feier des Lebens, which is itself organized, a Fremder.”

Ă„hnlich despektierlich kommentierte Anatoli Nesmijan (116,000 followers) Putin’s vermeintlichen “Erfolg”: “Der Gipfel endete te fĂĽr Russland, if we don’t have a separation, then with null Ergebnissen. Or with the microscopic Erfolg, that’s what stattfand.” Putin’s are busy with a new international financing for all other BRICS states that are unerheblich, we are partying in the best of power in Venezuela and Iran, while the US dollar dominance is integrated: “Nur der Kreml hats unmittelbare Schwierigkeiten bei der Zahlungsabwicklung.

By Sheisoe

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