Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Basis for Heilbronn: projects for personal and social isolation

Basis for Heilbronn: projects for personal and social isolation

The Ministerium for Social, Health and Integration Baden-Württemberg promotes projects for the care of human beings and social isolation for poor people. Auch Heilbronn benefits: Insgesamt 20,000 Euro for the Stadtkreise Heilbronn, Stuttgart or Karlsruhe receives support for the Projekt Task Force Bundestagswahl. Greeted with the Task Force of the Interessensgemeinschaft Langzeitarbeitsloser (IGELA) des Projektträgers (Diak. Werk Württemberg). The project involvement can be influenced as an interest partner* of the media and government politics and will be influenced by the prospective poverty affected by the people who are given impetus at the forefront of the Bundestagswahl.
“Damit hilft die Förderung, Menschen in schwierigen Lebenslagen aus der sozialen Isolation zu holen und sich with ihrer Erfahrung in den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Diskurs einzubringen”, says the Heilbronner Abgeordnete Gudula Achterberg. “The great health and life of the people, who are the first to have social support for human beings.”
The Social Ministry has raised an amount of 430,000 euros for 24 projects in a nationally diverse local initiative, the opportunities for community outreach, Freizeitaktivitäten, Bildungprogramma or Beratung for affected organizations.

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By Sheisoe

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