Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Xhaka-Satz dared to be racist

Xhaka-Satz dared to be racist

Granit Xhaka seivieles, aber kein Schweizer. Sascha Ruefer’s Aussage can separate the presses as a racist bezeichnet.

Das Wichtigste in Kürze

  • Der Presserat explains its party: Der Ruefer-Satz über Xhaka will be made racist.
  • “Granit Xhaka is likely, but it is not Schweizer,” as the SRF-Mann says.
  • The press is critical of SRF’s publications in the Sascha Ruefer case.


The press that did this: The Aussage of SRF commentator Sascha Ruefer in the national documentation «The Pressure Game» will be considered racist.

The 52 Year Old Lies before the Doku broadcast in March 2023 was a great movie. SRF has a first variant that is released, the TV-Mann intervenes at night.

Konkret est un Worte zu Granit Xhaka und seiner Herkunft. The Grenchner said in the Rohfassung that he said: “Granite Xhaka is probable, but there is no Schweizer.”

The «WOZ» is illuminated by the satz and animates this «angebliche Aussage» as «racist». Days were very clear and simple. Der Presserat hat dit nun abgelehnt.

I have received a message that other media after the original study of the text: Ruefers Aussage fiel tatsächlich in dieser Art und Weise.

The old journalists have to be a volunteer while not watching the movie directly, a movie that is playing in the original movie.

Have you played the Nati-Doku «The Pressure Game»?

Der WOZ sei dieser Zugang zum Original morehrfach verweigert be. The Zeitung has worth the Wahrheitspflicht nicht verletzt.

The ministry can be perceived as racist. “If you have not committed a criminal sin, it is still a sin of the transgressive ways of another art,” he is in Urteil.

Criticism of SRF’s statements in the Causa Sascha Ruefer

The press has criticized the statements of SRF, Sascha Ruefer’s referee. Gemäss Presserat war dies «der Wahrheitsfindung little dienlich».

“SRF requested and received information about the gathered journalists, it was not possible. A single admission of debt is stupid, if we have an SRF trade, the large amounts of money have disappeared due to its financial financing.»



More about the theme:

Granit XhakaSascha RüferSRF

By Sheisoe

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