Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Social media: Who emotions and algorithms are thinkers

Social media: Who emotions and algorithms are thinkers

In a Welt fuller information there will be talk of gefangene vorgefertigter Meinungen. Emotions and algorithms label our Urteil. Umso is critical thinking, writes the influencer “Doc Felix” in a guest post.

Bilden will be a nor self an opinion or an übernehmen that belongs entirely to others? There are no more proprietary products that cannot deliver and socialize a product, it is likely that people are affected by it. If social people are not isolated, they may experience some of the problems of other people.

Suppose that our medial epoch at that time is a greater herausforderung as the generation of our generation: the information is removed from the general transport, and you can find the best way to get 15 verschiede meinungen. Who found all the (fake?) news and stand points, women who position themselves in the debate?

At the beginning of the year, people often find it increasingly difficult to consume more information so that they can adapt. Once you know that the different uses with a bag are completed in a certain time, in the whole world of the world, time is great. However, it is true that the clicks change and look at a theme and that it itself comes into view for a while.

Das Gegenteil is after autumn. Is the ‘Bubble’ phenomenon and its algorithm one of the most reliable machines that the Tellerrand can use? Or is great journalism one of the best journalism as one of the main interests of journalism? It is no longer possible to make a mistake, and a woolen fabric will never become stronger again.

These complex topics may be one of the medical pages. Schauen may be one of the few things to be published in our future: Beim Lesen nehmen will with the August-über-lichtreis-een-beeld-true-en-leiten-es-über-die-sins-en-die-seh -bahn-are-so-visuellen-kortex-weiter.

Gleichzeitig became all information in the study after there was no more information, but it was interpreted. It is a big part of the question: the great things we do are the best of the great companies, where our thinkers, teachers and their inner experiences are. The frontal action with the frontal cortex is a phylogenetically new part of the gehirns, which uses a higher cognitive function. Also zum Beispiel Entscheidungsfindungen or Socialverhalten.

We keep our theme in the limbic system: Es steuert den Antrieb, das Lernen, de Nahrungsaufnahme and – ganz wichtig in diesem Fall – Emotions. So when you have information, you may encounter an emotional component. It is also a basic choice, neutral for your choice. Once you get this far, there are more emotions that can arise in that moment. So if we are the most mutated, it will not be possible to provide information, but it will be an uninteresting fact that we do not recognize.

Terror, Wahlen and Catastrophes portray our Meinung

If we have a great machine, we will go through the feelings of well-being that can soften human power, that can put a man in frost, with a strong tension due to the criticism, terrorist attacks, sexual domination, presidency or nature conservation on the human imagination chen sind en auch darauf , who empfänglich responds with Fake News. If a quasi-spiral shape is in one of the emotions of emotions, false or bad emotions can arise, which then cause strong emotions in others and other bad postcard production. It may be that there is a refusal of the American economy, political structures, Wahlen or a (prominent) Einzelschicksale.

Our information is that there is no information available about the machine, it is available from others and strengthened further.

When these crowds and journeys happen, when they come into the media, they can concentrate more on the information they are getting for a simple journey and easy handling, while not a single thought lingers. We can also think of a few things, which require a lot of thought that are plausible, that can increase our knowledge of sources.

When people see a new format on social media, their own standard thinking and image situations are outdated by their own timeline. In some “Reactions” you have found a Lieblings influencer, who has another video and who can tell you how to do it. If you look at the natural product, it is one of the most common things presented on the silver tablet – and that neither a person, who is sympathetic and gives the grundsätzliche trust. Man can imagine it, if the Hürde is still used with the original or other positions, that is how it is.

In this case, a man can often use the Halo effect. When that happens, a person can noticeably focus on the person being sammed. It is also charismatic, sympathetic or serious, so gilded information for the recipients is also a valuable thing. Gerade in political talk rounds was no longer praised by the guests as a press conference in the foreground, but more by the hosts.

If you have no organizational talent, you will reimburse the fragments, unnecessary expenditure, etc., but it is not possible for persons to enjoy the projections of thoughts and emotions. If you find a sympathetic moderator, you can find yourself in the inner discussion of the conversation sessions. While these statements are more dominant, the presenters are confronted with the debate and the ideas of the Zuschauer with a strong bedeutung.

Solche Prozesse was ausserdem durch de sogenannten Bestätigungsfehler (Confirmation Bias) unterstützt. We understand that our people have a better understanding of their own experiences and are more confident. If you want information on the Internet (consciously or unconsciously), you can do so.

Dies führt dazu, dass man sich irgendwann in “Echokammern” befindet, in denen man nur ähnliche Meinungen liest. If we agree that this is a good indication, there is no more criticism with others. A journalistic researcher can have a stelle sein, the own beiträge so different in shapes that they necessarily entail a critical and often incorrect use of a subject.

Another interesting model, which concerns us with the analysis of the visual image, is the Verfügbarkeitsheuristik. Here we can take care of each other’s failures, but we will also provide information. Zum Beispiel often herrscht a great fear of flugzeugabstürzen – obwohl these statistical data with a chance of 1 out of 3 million sehr selten forkommen. If we all have a car accident, there is a 1 in 15,000 chance.

If you encounter these fehlannahme during the appearance of messages in the middle or the film world, they are extremely dramatic and one of the most unexpected things. So let’s face it people, flying is as much fun as driving. If this message goes beyond German, there was an influence on the media reporting on human psychology and followed the inner stop of the individuals on various themes.

Letztlich comes through a journey, a flow of emotions and different heuristics of the behavioral processes we experience and so that one of many feelings and inadequate responses to health. Dies hat meiner Ansicht nach zur Folge, dass jeder Person, de medial content kreiert, een grote Verantwortung zukommt.

Egal, ob es der classical journalism or the new phenomenon of the influencer is: the relevance of a research and another differentiation is not important. When this happens, it is influenced by a personal and (seemingly) trustworthy Ebene-aufgebaut world. If you follow the Leuten-grundsätzlich, the man who finds the toll, man goes like a quasi-tag in his own four walls. It is not possible to look in your next direction with confidence.

A major problem is that it is nonsensical that – so it is the worst for – journalists, among other things, give their opinion about an influencer that is no longer substantiated and is investigated in a neutral manner. Once neutrality in journalism is no longer possible, the efforts of that last meier may get a sense of one of the most important things that can be done – a hanging of Medium.

Now that you can read the lesson, or view its contents, you can get several ideas about your own opinion about the image: it is one of the most important things that a democratic company is. If it is no longer possible for persons to be given responsibility, this principle court will be used. If you give a hint, while the inhaled people and people are critical of it, their own bubbles are gegenübersteht.

Felix M. Berndt (born 1992) started after his medical studies as “Doc Felix” with a healthy life, fitness and sports blogging. This survey has reached one million people on social media channels.

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By Sheisoe

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