Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Sensational comeback in the German Bruderduell

Sensational comeback in the German Bruderduell

  1. Rosenheim24-de
  2. Sport
  3. Football
  4. FC Bayern

On October 23, 1974, when a large Europapokalspiel with many special events took place in Munich’s Olympiastadion a few years ago. On the way to the title title of FC Bayern in the German bruderduell in the 2. Runde des Landesmeistercups on the 1. FC Magdeburg, the amtierenden Europapokalsieger der Pokalsieger.

Munich – Both teams have won their own country in the latest European Super Cups, war has been going on since 1972, stattfinden sollen. When the European continental connection between the two gave extra free rein for the first European round of the landsmeister, it was 31 years since the Klubs waged an organized war.

GDR feature is an enlarged European Super Cup

If the DFV, the Fußballverband der GDR, are founded damals who take their time and who are not prestigious. The Ausrede der DDR Fußballfunktion is an absurd war: Terminschwierigkeiten – Obwohl Magdeburg und jenen both Terminen eigentlich die first Landesmeistercup-Runde hätte spielen müssen.

Sensational comeback in the German Bruderduell
The Siegtor zum 3:2 – der Bomber is gewesen. © image sports photo service

The sports function was prevented from happening, but the result of the final outcome for the European Championship-Echtelfinal resulted in this. FCB-Geschäftsführer Walter Fembeck and der Magdeburg-Vertreter Herbert Kaden said he could speak a few times. Dazu Fembeck: “We will continue to grow and grow fast for Stuhl.”

Serve Bayern fans! – FC Bayern Total

FC Bayern is not favorite in the Duelle

The Curiosity of the Sporting Situation: Whatever happened to the Bayern in May 1974, the final match against Atlético Madrid was still a match for the Supercup-Game against the German Masters – „And enjoy Magdeburg!” – ensure that the time point of the duel in the spice world is in the sports crisis for years, while Magdeburg dominates in the DDR-Oberliga. The favorite list of West nach Ost.

The star of the 1. FC Magdeburg War Jürgen Sparwasser, during the WM 1974 of the GDR, was a unique encounter between both German national teams in the football match. There is war between the Siegtorschütze and 1:0 in Hamburg in the WM-Gruppenspiel game. Allerding’s war is a traumatic experience for Beckenbauer & Co, which is extended by Heim-Turnier in the Belts of the Journey. It depends on the rest of the Turnier season and ends with the German WM title of history, which includes the GDR in the Zwischenrunde and the Niederlanden and the Brazilian Land.

Sparwasser war probably ended before the duels with the young Bayern: “Our Mannschaft started as a 2:0 Europapokalsieg in the previous seasons against AC Mailland. Darum has not had any dealings with Bayern Munich. This Hürde is being übersprungen.“

Beckenbauer in the GDR unanswered?

A statement from Magdeburg coach Heinz Krügel, who played Bayern between 2:1-Siegen in Gladbach and Frankfurt: “Zuschnitt, Linie and Form des Münchner Spiels are the best game makers. That Number 5 war is high-class and weltmeisterlich.”

This song is natural Emperor Franz Beckenbauer, the Federal Republic of Germany has lived for four years as a leader of the world leadership. De Nichterwähnung van de Namens War Damals wahrscheinlich Ausdruck der Politiek Ausrichtung des sozialistiek Bruderstaates. Individuals and personal attention in the team(erfolg)s.

The FCB is shocked

On October 23, 1974, a war was waged with 70,000 people, who were no longer sold – and started with a bigger shock for the title representatives from Munich: Bereits nach 45 Sekunden went Magdeburg by an owner of the dänischen FCB-Legal representatives Johnny Hansen in Fuhrung . A flanke prallte von seinem Rücken unhaltbar für de regungs- und fassungslosen Sepp Maier ins kurze Eck.

The Bayern movement was shocked, only after a few minutes, the initiative was very important. When you secure the guesthouse, you can come up with all kinds of plans and ideas. The Magdeburger on the defensive day of the battle and the battle for the Halbzeit war is then Sparwasser, the Swiss time will be more beschäftigungslose than more zweiten.

Grandiose holiday in Bayern

FCB-Trainer Udo Lattek nach dem Spiel zur ersten Halbzeit signaler Mannschaft: „After 0:1, a Tor, so unsatisfactory since every couple of years falls, my Mannschaft completely lost the Concept.” If you take a break, it’s worth making money while your journey runs through the closet. Such a trip and a successful Münchner Publikum are so comfortable thanks to the fresh enthusiasm that your own Mannschaft afterward gets a peitschte.

Zunächst verweigerte der italienische Schiedsrichter Michelotti de Bavaria nor the Anschlusstreffer zum 1:2. The FCB game plays the ball after a play by Uli Hoene with hints on Linie. Kurz darauf beschwerten ich die Ostdeutschen, als Gerd Müller aus ihrer Sicht „high dishes” Error meter wandered (51.).

Zwölf Minuten später wurde der grandiose Sturmlauf der Bavaria met dem 2:2-Ausgleich belohnt: As was a lifetime of typical FCB-Tor, a herrlicher Doppelpass between Beckenbauer and Müller, der Gerd drehte sich blitzschnell and chased a half-way Schuss unhaltbar in das bis dahin von Schulze gleaming cottage Tor von Magdeburg.

If the Bayern side have left the entire party, people may be full of the let down they have been given before the break. A thought for Müller Flanke lenkte Magdeburg-Verteidiger Enge ins eigen Tor. The Anzeigentafel of the Olympiastadions is taken out of the closet by the FCB-Legende with Schlusspfiff as Hattrick-Torschützen.

The knowledge acquired was not even close to Kraft-gekostet, Magdeburg in the final phase of the games, Sparwasser köpfte nor in the Pfosten. If the Schlussspfiff has a greater moral value, 3:2-Sieg auf dem Konto des Bundesdeutschen Titelverteidigers becomes.

The reactions after the game

FCB President-Legende Wilhelm Neudecker stürmte nach dem Match freudestrahlend in de Umkleidekabinet en lobte signal Team: „Gracious, my Lords. In the meantime, I have spent a lot of time there. The Kondition War is an evil story.“ And then it is tatsächlich nor gesagt haben: “That Magdeburger now cooks with Sparwasser.”

Both teams were better after the match, they were in the Rückspiel two weeks before the Four Finals qualifizieren. Greater moral attacks on the Hinspiel were certainly those that Bayern, the only final players behind Comeback-Sieg, had. A Siege in Europapokal nach a Zwei-Tore-Rückstand depends on the current record master during the last two seasons: 1974 against Magdeburg and in the CL-Achtelfinal-Rückspiel 2016 against Juventus Turin: 4:2 nV after a 0:2-Rückstand.

The Rückspiel in 1974 is still one of the most sporting, high-quality and political battle events. Man befand sich noch want im Kalten Krieg.

By Sheisoe

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