Fri. Oct 25th, 2024

Innovatives Bauen: Scholz advocates more innovation for new technologies

Innovatives Bauen: Scholz advocates more innovation for new technologies

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) stops the abolition of more standards at Bauprojekten for sin, a more pace for the concerns. “If we look at it, we can use the best technologies, technologies, technologies so that they can be functioned as series production,” says the SPD Bundestagsabgeordnete, der seinen Wahlkreis in Potsdam hat, at a company in Caputh. “Irgendwann muss das, was de Pioneere gemacht haben, als Routine, als Standard dann dann in Deutschland beetabliert.” It may well be that the new technology is becoming faster.

Scholz saw the construction project «Blütenviertel» in Caputh at Potsdam An. Since 30 Town Houses with living space for 400 people have been planted as well as Coworking Spaces (Work Space), a part is clean. “If I have found an innovative construction project here, this could be a new idea,” says the “Tagesspiegel”. Das Projekt can serve as a model after seiner Ansicht. Scholz said it was an innovative energy concept.

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The management and processing of home use ensures that the project has its own functioning management system. Power comes from a photovoltaic installation. There are four gas-fired block heaters with heat pumps to lower the heat and water storage in the winter. A requirement in the winter energy used in the summer is the seasoned energy of the roast. Der Betrieb soll nahezu climaneutral – als ohne Ausstoß von Kohlendioxid sein. Der Anteil an Öko-Energieen soll beim Strom bei 90 Prozent lie, bei der Heizung bei 50 Prozent.

Bauherr Hans Wolfgang Pausch criticizes Bauverzögerung von insgesamt four years, weil Prüfungen benötigt be seien and Genehmigungen gefehlt hätten. Damn the costs. There is a problem with Scholz for faster Genehmigungen.

© dpa-infocom, dpa:241023-930-268283/1

By Sheisoe

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