Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

The 3 zodiac signs most likely to book a last-minute flight

The 3 zodiac signs most likely to book a last-minute flight

It takes a certain personality type to book a flight that leaves in three hours. For many people, traveling requires months of planning and preparation, a perfectly checked off to-do list and a thorough itinerary with hotels, restaurants and must-see museums. For others, taking a plane is as easy as getting around town by bus, and they won’t think twice about it.

Many zodiac signs have the desire to travel in their DNA, and this is what inspires them to scour flight deals and start times. They are not chasing the cozy, homely way of life, but rather the kind of existence that lands them in an airport on the other side of the world at three in the morning. According to Letao Wang, an astrologer and spiritual advisor, the zodiac signs most likely to book last-minute flights are the fiery and light-hearted ones.

These signs don’t care about details as much as they do about breaking a rut. Some get bored easily and look for ways to spice up their lives, which sometimes means booking a random flight to Miami. Others have a desire for adventure that takes over their entire brain, which is why they prioritize travel over everything else.

They keep their suitcase ready and have a friend on standby to water their plants when they leave town. If they see a flight deal, they take it, pack their bags and away they go. Below are the three zodiac signs most likely to enjoy last-minute travel, according to one astrologer.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries is the type to book a last-minute flight.

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“With action-oriented Mars as their ruling planet, Aries individuals are naturally impulsive and driven by a desire for excitement,” says Wang. If their friends cancel at the last minute on Friday night, they won’t breathe a sigh of relief and sink back into their couch. Instead, they open their apps and start comparing flights.

Aries will always fill their time with something new and exciting, and they will never let a long weekend go to waste. If you don’t get a text back, it’s probably because their phone is on airplane mode and they’re already halfway to South America.

“They are known for their courageous, pioneering spirit and are quick to seize opportunities for adventure as they arise,” he says. “This spontaneity is a hallmark of their character, meaning they often seize the moment without thinking about it.” People with Aries in their birth chart often have great travel stories, and many of them include hilarious events that happened during these last-minute trips.

As a fire sign, Aries also has the energy to deal with the ups and downs that spontaneous travel brings. They are also not afraid of red eyes. When they spot a good deal, they just throw back a double espresso, grab their bag and go.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini likes to book last-minute flights.

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“Governed by Mercury, the planet of communication and travel, Geminis are naturally curious and thrive on variety,” says Wang. If they ever get bored at work, they open a few tabs, pick a city they’ve never been to before and book a flight leaving as soon as possible – and just like that, they feel alive again.

“A mundane routine can quickly become stifling for this mutable sign, causing them to seek out new experiences – often on a whim,” says Wang. “They appreciate the novelty that a last-minute trip brings and enjoy adapting to new environments and meeting new people along the way.”

As an air sign, Geminis seem to flow wherever the wind takes them, and they really come alive when they don’t have a plan. While they may research and curate some must-see destinations during their flight, they won’t worry too much about the trip. For them, the main goal is to get there and see what happens.

Geminis are also very quick-witted, meaning they’re confident they can navigate busy airports in faraway lands, languages ​​they’ve never heard before, and subway systems that look like a warren of tracks and stations – all without having to plan ahead. They pull out their phones, figure it out immediately, and enjoy every ounce of chaos that comes their way.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarians are always in airports.

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Airports are filled with Sagittarians on last-minute flights. “Governed by Jupiter, they possess boundless optimism and a thirst for exploration that goes beyond the ordinary,” says Wang. “This urge forces them to pursue new horizons and surrender to the unknown.”

Their ruling planet has luck on their side, so they never have to worry about the details or what they will do once they arrive at their destination. Sagittarians trust their instincts – and sometimes even secretly hope that their journey will go wrong. If they have to sleep at the airport or walk the streets of Dublin until dawn, then so be it. It’s all part of the adventure.

Add to that the fact that they are a cheerful fire sign, and it means that people with Sagittarius in their birth chart often date on a whim. “Their spontaneity is not just a trait, but a way of life,” he says. Many Sagittarians panic when they get stuck in a routine for too long. Often the only way they can escape is with something big, like a random trip abroad.

“This adventurous nature can also be attributed to their philosophical outlook on life, where they view every journey as a means to personal growth and enlightenment,” says Wang. Catch them booking a flight that leaves…right now.


Letao Wang, astrologer, spiritual advisor

By Sheisoe

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