Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Belgian police continue to operate successfully

Belgian police continue to operate successfully

The police in Belgium are pretty much a mutmaßlich of signals from a Krankenhaus entführten Frühchen. During the 17 days in Santiago, the Montag von seinen Eltern of a Krankenhaus in Großraum Paris was mitgenommen and benötige Urgent Medzinische Versorgung, heißt es in eenem Fahndungsaufruf of the Bundespolizei and of the Stiftung Child Focus.

Vermutet, that die 23 and 25 years old with the baby after the Verlassen des Krankenhauses in France the Border after Belgian overquerten, whom the Belgian Nachrichtenagentur Belga reports. On the road you will find a car with a French Kennzeichen. The French Behörden have bitten their Belgian Amtskollegen am Dienstag a Zusammenarbeit bei der Suche.

Also, during the Frankish war, such a notification became available. Französischen Medien zufolge kamen fünf Menschen aus dem Umfeld der Eltern in Polizeigewahrsam.

A solution in the autumn of a change, a sogenannter Child Alert, while Belga nur eingesetzt, if life is a child in an unobstructed discharge. It is one of the things you can do if you solve the problems and those who often mobilize, a possible sow problem, are with Belga Child Focus.

The foundation has become a national and international company that can prevent child abuse.

By Sheisoe

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