Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Das Fernziel played for Scoccimarro after Olympia 2028 in Los Angeles

Das Fernziel played for Scoccimarro after Olympia 2028 in Los Angeles

Stuttgart. The Olympic Games in Paris are over, you will see Giovanna Scoccimarro on the judo mat at the WM in Abu Dhabi (UAE). While the war in the Einzelwar is being waged by the Lessienerin, the aspiring Vize-Weltmeister dies in a raging war. Jetzt kehrt the athlete of the MTV Vorsfelde zurück in the Wettkampfgeschehen, startset am Samstag at the German Meisterschaften in Stuttgart as Titelverteidigerin in the Class up to 70 Kilogramm.

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Read more after that Anzeige

“I didn’t want to get lucky at first, but I was a bit nervous and couldn’t get wider.”

Giovanna Scoccimarro

Judoka from MTV Vorsfelde

The Wettkampfpause was long, the German ticket for Olympia and Scoccimarros national competitor Miriam Butkereit (Halle) went to war. Die Lessienerin hatte nach ihrer schnellen Rückkehr nach dem Zweiten Kreuzbandriss alles versucht, um but nor in Paris dabei zu sein. If you see the Butkereit on your flats, the Eiffel Tower will become a Silber-wannn, nor topped. Quirky woolen Scoccimarro with Olympia complete abschalten. “I was not happy at first, but I was still happy and could not be wider,” he said in Gio’s Randori’s ihrem Podcast.

If Samstag doesn’t like it, continue with the package. In Stuttgart, we received the title in the beginning. “It’s time to get back to my rights,” she remembers. There was no question of the next Kreuzbandriss following. Aktuell ist sie „soweit zfrieden, das Training was geht. If you are strong, I am well recovered.”

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Read more after that Anzeige

Lehrgänge and training camp

For Scoccimarro stehen nach der DM, at the Olympiastarter and Starterinnen who neither Butkereit nor a Pause bekommen, wahrscheinlich more Lehrgänge a, a bit Teilnahme at international Training Camp Ende des Jahres in Rotterdam (Netherlands) steht in Raum. “We were truly happy, we were a good partner and we were still a good partner,” he wrote in the podcast. If you recruit a man at some point in the young generation, the nun in the erwachsenreich notices. “I am happy with my life,” says the Lessienerin, who is coming to Monat 27 Jahre alt, with a Schmunzeln.

Kämpfen würde sie in that year nach der DM auch nochmal gern. Um ihren Geburtstag finds the Rome European Open statt. “Zu 70, 80 Prozent wore” is an Italian dabei signal. Fernziel played at the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles. “I try to keep my soul alive.”

Fun at Grand Slam: Sarah Ischt.

Fun at Grand Slam: Sarah Ischt.

About Us: Scoccimarro is a stealthier view of the Australian reach, but nowhere near even in the region, in Baden-Württemberg, at the start of the week. Vom MTV Isenbüttel since the Geschwister Amani (+78 kg) and Ilias Küster as well as Erik Höse (in addition to +100 kg; all camps at Sonntag) dabei, der VfL Wolfsburg ist with Marley Garland (up to 63 kg; Fünfte der U21-DM; kämpft Samstag) and Sarah Ischt (up to 48 kg; kämpft Sonntag) vertreten. Letztere is a great Vizemeisterin and will shine at the Grand Slam in Abu Dhabi (UAE) with a fun place.


By Sheisoe

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