Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Praxis report: B-Corp Zertifizierung als Wegweiser | Sustainability

Praxis report: B-Corp Zertifizierung als Wegweiser | Sustainability

The B-Corp certification is an international guarantee for the future, the highest standards in the field of social and environmental education, transparency and legitimate accountability. If B Corp gets its affairs in order, it is important that the financial profits are maximized, there are so many positive business consequences for the society and the environment. This Praxis message praised the Erfungen der Unternehmen Wildling Shoes, Codecentric and Schumacher – Brand + Interaction Design, the Zertifizierungsprozess over time, and gave a Blicke in je Motivation, the Vorteile des Netzwerks, the Prozess, Stolpersteine, Tipps, Kritik and Weiterentwicklungsmöglichkeiten.

Motivation for a B-Corp certification

The Motivation, if B Corp certifies the welding, is not important, because all Unternehmen steht der Wunsch, are the pure Geschäftserfolg and as a good world, in the Vordergrund. Anna Yona, Gründerin and Geschäftsführerin of Wildling Shoes, describes: “I thought maybe it would happen, if we saw that it was out of us and that it could be for the best for us? For Wildling Shoes the war was so hard that it would work in the US – US market is available, of which the German B-Corp certification is also available in Germany.

Auch Lars Rückemann, Vorstand der Codecentric AG, concrete, that is Engagement für Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) with intrinsic motivation is present here. “Wir has had the B-Corp certification for all issues, a number of different CSR projects have provided a joint approach and a clear direction,” erklärt Rückemann. If Codecentric is one of the Siegel activities, there may be a logical follow-up to the CSR activities.

Verena Schumacher, Gründerin der Designagentur Schumacher, sees in Zertifizierung a Möglichkeit, Nachhaltigkeitsaspekte in Unternehmen systematically and continuously optimizing. “We can create a global policy, it is a world in which pure healthcare is continued and which is a better world,” said Schumacher.

Vorteile des B Corp-Netzwerks

The B-Corp network offers a wide variety of opportunities, which have their own verification and marketing effect. Lars Rückemann concretet, if the Zertifizierung is a Rahmen-schafft, it is ermöglicht, his own involvement in nachhaltiges Wirtschaften langfristig and continuously zu intensified. “Besides this, it is more important that you can learn more about the challenges and the success of your experiences,” says Rückemann. External industry organizations can often provide valuable experience for the redesign and network on the network. Die Aspekt der Vernetzung met gleichgesinnten Unternehmen in Rahmen verschiedener Formate – wie Vernetzungsplattformen und monatlichen Community Calls – empfindet auch Verena Schumacher as very good.

Another example of the network is the way the device works, with its own knowledge of the parts, so Rückemann. It is said: “You can take care of yourself: If the part of the B-Corp Movement we can act as a sparring partner begins, then we will have an additional support process for running – and continue to run.”

B-Corp-Zertifizierungsprozess: Ein anspruchsvoller Weg

The path to B-Corp certification is complete and with a few simple steps. You can take one of the two-year tests. Lars Rückemann reports: “We have to set up a CSR project to establish a lupe nehmen and a fragment, or an Ansatz tatsächlich soulführend ist.” This can be a problem at times, but even so, the CSR-oriented focus on can identify the development and sales of commercials.

B Corp’s assessment has produced a rahmen, one of the other exploratory companies, a status that belongs to him. Anna Yona says: “The assessment is easy to navigate, so you can first check out the assessment before you get to know other options.” The results of the assessments are only available once again. Before you get to a certain stage, when the publication is more invested with documents, the sucking is like this. Some people are still not completely sure about the integrity of the Alltag, which has never been documented. The documentation may be the first time it is used and the optimization flow continues.

A positive effect on the assessments is that the lung function test has been carried out. New ways have been found to explore what new possibilities there are, öcological, social and economic possibilities for living. These known messages can be reflected in further strategy and communication, causing light messages to be sent if there are no messages that yield more profitable messages. So how would Schumacher have gotten one of the B Corp ratings in the free nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung integrity.

B Corp: Diese Fallstricke and Tipps know them

The Zertifizierungsprozess is not free from Fallstricken. A higher Fehler is the clearing and the Zeitraum function for assessing the undershoot. Verena Schumacher says: “I have had the time to use the documentation intensively.” The fact is that it is interesting to experiment with the world, which can go away, and follow the time for the process and the documentation.

Insurance is not considered to provide all possible care. Lars Rückemann warned: “It is best that the risks arise when I have joined forces, when man has no more experience.” There is a good chance that the chances of the reflection and communication spots becoming identifiable will be increased . Once the man comes to an end, the business is no longer hereditary, the process is really true, it is worth not carrying out the activities now and if one of the things that has run into problems or to solve to uphold so high.

Anna Yona is working on other employees who can connect with each other. With the Erstzertifizierung you have in your own country “a punkte lying wellassen, weil wir nicht wussten, wo wir in der Bewertung nor Angaben machen machen, which sich sich positiv ausswirken”. With the rezertifizierung, which has found statistics for all three years, it is possible that the Unterstützung is carried out by a beraterin.

Kritik und Weiterentwicklung van B Corp

Many of the reviews are a criticism of the B-Corp certification. The Financial Times describes B Corp’s valuation as the ‘Gold Standard for ESG companies’. For smaller companies in the service sector and in-house production, there are, so Schumacher has often seen fragments in the sweet way. Take a look at the possibilities with the most developed Geschäftsmodels of the B Corp community and the critical properties. “That is always critical. Because the high quality of the Siegels is so high, B Corp will do its best here and receive the criticism it receives, Schumacher says.

Lars Rückemann found criticism of a B Corp that applies high quality standards and goes beyond. If the B Corp certification has reached an end point, the Royal Decree is that the Anforderungen continue to exist: “If a malicious case for Greenwashing is even carried out by B Corp.” at the highest level, the best standards for establishing and building a structure for one’s own long-term involvement in working together.

Anna Yona would like to know that the B Assessment is still a matter of course: “If you follow the best standards, you will never be able to cope with unconventional solutions.” So see one for Wildling, which themes with regenerative land management and more positive impact, im assessment not a matter of course. Dennoch is an online assessment for self-study, so Yona. Some of the costs are useless and it is true that a credit assessment is one of the basic benefits that is granted and a continuous improvement process.

B-Corp certification – a response to the results of the process

The B-Corp certification is an answer to the question of how the process develops, its social and biological care is systematically and continuously pursued. The shoes of Wildling Shoes, Codecentric and Schumacher have seen that the certification is no longer a best option for engagements, is a new path and a new way of working, which can be applied in another life. The previous years of networking, the knowledge of the Zertifizierungsprozess and the Ansatz of the continuous Weiterentwicklung machen B Corp with a good instrument for the Unternehmen, which are a real world of woolen.

By Sheisoe

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