Thu. Oct 24th, 2024

Top US ski area: Bayern-Double and Eitelkeiten – Aspen and Vail in Vergleich

Top US ski area: Bayern-Double and Eitelkeiten – Aspen and Vail in Vergleich

Colorado is the number one winter sports state in the US. Etliche ski area is one of the favorites of our guests. Both could form a rival venture in Germany now that Karnevalshochburgen is taking place.

The Luftline is less than 63 kilometers from Aspen nach Vail. One of the best ski areas in the American Welten. Aspen or Vail? This is a Glaubensfrage for US skiers and snowboarders.

This rival is unmistakable when it comes to the German Karnevalshochburgen. Ski fans may wonder what the US-Skiszene number is.

“Vail hat den Berg, Aspen die Stadt,” said another Spruch – and that was Wahres dran. When the Vail Ski Resort was built in 1962 on Viehweiden on the Highway Interstate 70 from Boden, the Aspen war was a success: the city with backstone buildings and their Victorian wooden houses was a small, picturesque Silberminenstadt, before it was replaced in 1946 in the Skiort by the Niedergang der Bergwerke. .

Vail Days is a nur entstanden, while Vail Mountain is authorized for a ski area. Pete Seibert, a relative from Colorado, started the first runs and lifts in the White River National Forrest with Hilfe von Geldgebern. With 5,000 inhabitants you can find a ski resort, a ski shop and a hotel with restaurant at Gasthof Pepi Gramshammer.

Vail – a Bayerisches Fake-Village

The northern Austrian ski resort of Gramshammer has a hotel in a typical Alpine style in the Rocky Mountains and will certainly be a trendsetter. Vail wuchs en glich anfangs een Bavarian or Austrian village. A balcony that blooms in the summer, the main buildings are decorated with air movement and in holzvertäfelten Stuben kamen Schweinsbraten and Kaiserschmarrn on the Tisch.

Vail is a Fake-Bayern-Dorf – so white aspener. Things are wrong with Neid in Spott. The “Little Bavaria in Colorado” is one of the best examples. Vail boomed, a grateful new investor at Karlheinz Fäßler from Germany. Who undertakes a Gramshammer war in a higher ski world class, before he is a hotelier. The Bayer can exploit the possibilities and possibilities of an einfache-dependance-seiner Allgäuer Sonnenalp.

This is a top hotel and an older child of Ortes. As a hotel director, Fäßlers Sohn, Johannes, is one of the informal Botschafter des Freistaats in the Rockys. My diplomatic Bescheidenheit-spielt is the Bedeutung Seiner Familie in de Ortes-herunter. “If we have Vail kamen, Leute who Gramshammer and other schon de Grundstein will lay.”

Tatsächlich na the Sonnenalp, during the Ski-WM 2015 in Vail and Beaver Creek by the team of the German ski associations that Felix Neureuther left, became a Bavarian institution in Vail. The hotel bets are located in Pfosten, over the Kaminen hängen Geweihe, the Gourmetrestaurant heißt “Ludwigs Stüberl” and in “Swiss Chalet” you will find “Hüttenmusi” Wiener Schnitzel, Zürcher Geschnetzeltes, Fondue and German Bier.

The first Daunenanorak der Welt

Klaus Obermeyer würde himself in his house. Der gerne yodelnde Bayer aber wohnt ausgeschnet in Aspen. Dort wird der inzwischen 104-Jährige wie niehrt een libende Ikone. Once the Oberstaufen have ended the 1940s in the United States, it won’t work anymore.

We are a Flugzeugtechnici after the Zweiten Weltkrieg-keine Arbeit fan, schlug is like Skilehrer by – and who: There brought Hollywood stars with Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergmann from Skifahren. “Na, die Bergmann, die the war and all that,” recalls Obermeyer. “Aber ihr Ehemann war so eifersüchtig, dass er uns uns den Augen gelassen hat.”

Heißblütige Ehemänner energieen dem Charmeur aber weniger Problems like the Calm in the Rockys. “Mir since the Skischüler in ihren Wolljacken fast erfroren”, remembers the Bayer. If the Tüftler’s idea is yours, you can put an Anorak on your shins. “Darin sah man zwar aus wie der Michelin-Mann, aber er war warm.”

A skier will raise the prize of 250 dollars for the first Daunenanorak der Welt. Schnell perfects the Jacke, he is in series production and shakes the Grundstein for the sports fashion company Obermeyer Sports.

Even though he has been 104 years old, he has not regularly served as “President” in the Chief Office of the Company. When the Brettersteigt is no more, it is the Kurzem first. “An meinem 103. Geburtstag has ich 100 Jahre auf Ski” erzählt Obermeyer.

Vom Skilehrer zum Millionär

It has become the “American Dream”. Vom Skilehrer has brought its million, but we are up to date with an innovation after the others: There is another mirrored ski goggles and a solution with the best ski racing enthusiast and friend Friedl Pfeiffer for the high eine Sunblocker-Creme. As modern ski equipment emerged, one of the ski brooms and the Bretter baute was born.

Trotz Seines Erfolgs ist der lebenslustige Bayer bodenstanddig geblieben – and damn beyond its own tlich gar nicht so good in the glamorous Aspen. Before we made a Christmas and Silvester trip, we walked our “St. Moritz America” ​​in a white Bühne der Eitelkeiten. Dann schweben Hunderte Privatjets ein.

Stars and Sternchen bmmeln door Edelboutiquen, führen zum Snow-Polo ihre Pelzmäntel aus, schlemmen in teuren Restaurants und schlürfen Champagner in der Bar des feinen Little Nell-Hotels an der Talabfahrt. A-promises were sent by paparazzi, while the B-prominenz Instagram selfies were broadcast to the world.

“Aspen ist Hollywood – Vail die Wall Street,” as in Colorado. Or another Skilehrer in Vail has made a sufficient comment: “In Vail the Wirtschaftsbosse is in the Häuser, for the Aspener Promis arbeiten.”

It stops with the super travel in Vail and in the Schwester-Resort Beaver Creek section, where your town doesn’t get smaller or bigger if you die in Aspen. Top layers cost mittlerweile auch in Vail Dutzende Millionen Dollars. Neben the Alpine Gasthofen are elongated in Fünfsternehotels with cosmopolitan flair.

Puderschnee and ultimate recovery orders

The first Haus am Platz is a Four Seasons Resort and “The Remedy Bar” one of the city’s most important après-ski locations. Von der Theke looks directly at the ski area, with everything and that with Mikaela Shiffrin and Lindsey Vonn two of the great skiing experiences of all times.

With a slope of 21.4 four kilometers, Vail Mountain is one of the largest and best ski areas in the world. The “Front Side” is perfectly equipped with perfect slopes. In the background are the forest trails of the “Blue Sky Basin” and the legendary Tiefschneehänge der Täler “Back Bowls”.

Aspen muss all four with ski busses connected to Berge – Aspen Mountain, Highlands, Buttermilk and Snowmass – as far as possible, auf Vails Größe zu kommen. The punktet is a large route through Denver with few slopes and steep slopes. With a drop of 48 degrees, the “Highlands Bowl” was the ultimate revival.

The Ski World Cup takes place in both directions. Aspen plays with the X-Games, while the Trickskifahrer is an acrobatic jump on the Mega-Schanzen-vorführen. The Freestyler sitting in Aspen is the best way to get into the market for other hippies and aussteiger hats. It took a long time for Kiffen to be legalized in Colorado, which was followed by the süße Duft von Marihuana in Aspen by the Straßen. Aspen has a liberal lifestyle – for example in the Abgrenzung zum conservativeen Vail.

European winter sports enthusiasts were introduced by Aspen and Vail. Both close with first-class service, best präparierten Slopes, excellent conditions for the forest, which are waiting here in the Gipfelbereiche, as well as heavy snow.

Thanks to the strong and calm air in the ski area, the “powder” is often so light that a snowball never lasts too long. If the mixes are on the beach: Aspen comb over time at a distance of 25 feet for season. It is more than double the case who can be considered snow-capped on Arlberg in the Alps.

Links, tips, practical matters:

Travel soul: The Skigebiete Vail and Aspen Snowmass are located in the Federal State of Colorado in the West of the USA at altitudes between 2,500 and 3,800 meters. Colorado, the only part of the Rocky Mountains, is the number one ski state in the US. There are many ski areas with the best slopes and excellent slopes.

An- and Einreise: Deutsche Staatsangehörige benötigen a gültigen Reisepass as well as an electronic Einreisegenehmigung (Esta). It costs $21.

Reisezeit und Preise: Die Skisaison geht von Mitte/End November tot Mitte April. The lift pass price is high in both ski areas. Tageskarten costs 300 US dollars. The length of the Aufenthaltes corresponds to a Saisonpass ticket road. With Vail’s “Epic Pass” you can visit Urlauber in Colorado at Beaver Creek, Breckenridge and Keystone for free. Aspens Ikon-Pass light free access to Copper Mountain and Winter Park, two secret tips with new ski areas and German prizes.

Währung: 1 US Dollar and 0.92 Euro (as of 22.10.2024)

Zeitverschiebung: Denver ist gegenüber Deutschland eight Stunden zurück.

Read more: Colorado Tourism; Aspen Snow Mass; Pale

Colorado Tourism Aspen Snowmass Vail


By Sheisoe

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