Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Schwarzer Rauch asks from Wohnhaus

Schwarzer Rauch asks from Wohnhaus

  1. Fuldaer Zeitung
  2. Fulda
Schwarzer Rauch asks from Wohnhaus
If there is a fire in the Letterhausstraße in Ziehers-Nord since two people will be lost. © Fuldamedia

Zu einem Brand in Fuldaer Stadtbezirk Ziehers-Nord must ausrücken the Feuerwehr am Montagmittag. Two people were lost.

Update from October 22, 3:07 PM: Erste Ermittlungsergebnisse nach dem Brand in der Letterhausstraße: Who is the police with a tag after the Einsatz messages, comb a plastic fire in a kitchen in the Mehrfamilienhaus. Die Folge: a grim Raucentwicklung. Two people were lost. The entstandenen Sachschaden are hit by the police at about 10,000 Euro.

Brand in Fulda: Schwarzer Rauch guess aus Wohnhaus

First notification on October 21: Fulda – Die Leitstelle Fulda reports to Brand in the Letterhausstraße am Montag around 12.20 pm. War has arisen after the first facts of the police in the stock of a house from the oven. Schwarzer Rauch pushed out of the Fenstern.

Laut Polizei konnten die Bewohner das Haus straighte. Two people were taken to the hospital for suspected gas poisoning.

Feuerwehr, Polizei und Rettungsdienst were with zahlreichen Kräften und der Einsatzstelle vor Ort. Whoever the brand is cannot know what it is.

I am a Einsatz war die Polizei am Montag and roads a Unfalls in Horas. Bei a business trip between two cars and a person was lost.

By Sheisoe

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