Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Chief Commercial Officer Carsten Horn verlässt C&A

Chief Commercial Officer Carsten Horn verlässt C&A

C&A was more than a year busy with the arrival of CCO Carsten Horn.

The Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) of C&A Europe has joined the Verlassen department, a troubled Laufbahn outer hall of C&A fortzusetzen, which is an external leader on FashionUnited’s Anfrage. This is the Branchenmagazin Textilwirtschaft about the Abschied von Horn at the Bekleidungshändler-berichtet.

Horn comb in August 2023 as Deutschland chief of C&A and with the leadership of Martina Novotny and died from 2021 to June 2023 as market leader Deutschland before C&A war. Kurz nach seiner Ernennung zum Market Lead for Deutschland übernahm Horn bereits sister Verantwortung for Österreich and die Schweiz, established before May 2024 in the European Führungsriege des Unternehmens and the position of CCO übernahm. In this position, the next question is from Jason Morgan and the Buying Strategy Officer at the Düsseldorf Fashion Handler Peek & Cloppenburg-tätig.

For the signalman Zeit at C&A, Horn has held senior positions in the fashion industry. While the war is treacherous at other times, the walking tradition of Marken is shaped by the new state of technology – a trend that has been solved at C&A. When CCO is concerned with optimizing the customer journey and expanding the customer journey, the omnichannel kingdom is optimized and the customer journey is expanded.

Follow-up regulations are not clear

Information about the potential of the separated CCO gibt is no longer possible. After an internal joinery, the textile business, had begun, Horn’s foaming was carried out on the basis of the fuhrungsebene of the Unternehmens-übernommen.

One of the most important things C&A had to deal with was Giny Boer’s CEO in July. One of our employees is Stelle übernahm Edward Brenninkmeijer as interim CEO. There have been wars for the Boerenamtszeit as Geschäftsführer of the Europageschäfts, who started working as CEO of the Gesamtkonzerns, so that at the end of 2020 the director of the Geschäft zurück en wechselte was in the Aufsichtsrat of the Unternehmens. It would be a new CEO.

By Sheisoe

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