Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

“One of the best Mannschaften Europas”

“One of the best Mannschaften Europas”

Sturm Graz can see the “Flow” from the Bundesliga-Kantersegen in the UEFA Champions League tragedy.

Sporting is on duty (from 9:00 PM in LIVE ticker >>>) in Klagenfurt of the most recent heart test for the second Königsklasse-Spielen noch punktelosen österreichischen Fußball-Doublesieger.

The Portuguese dominate their mastery no more than Sturm and have the Grazer hereditary trainer Christian Ilzer for the Wiedersehen mighty angetan.

Sturm and Sporting have their Europa League

“Sporting is one of the best European teams,” says Ilzer. The Sturm-Coach has never gone international with understatement, the Zahlen who have become the Sporting Club of Portugal have become imposing.

After eight matches with eight games in the Portuguese League, the big clubs from Lisbon are up to a Torverhältnis of 27:2. In the UEFA Champions League, Lille was defeated 2:0 and 1:1 in Eindhoven.

With all of them, Teams Kreuzte Sturm in young vergangheit with few inheritance die Klingen. Sporting will no longer play a point in the 2023 UEFA Europa League. In Graz, those “Leões” (Löwen) were first played nor zähmbar, das 1:2 fiel first zehn Minuten voor Schluss.

Das 0:3 von Lisbon then ended as a synonym for gambling in Sturm history. A short war between Ilzer-Elf and the Ergebnis has no patience. The level of the level can have a huge impact and cause a huge war.

Can the judge determine “Flow” status?

(Article is edited below the video)

Glaubt man den Sturm-Verantwortlichen, ist der 20-fache portugiesische Meister seither keinesfalls schlechter. “Wenn du Benfica und Oporto wie letztes Jahr clearly depend, weiß man, die grim diese Mannschaft ist”, said Ilzer.

Der Tablelen-31. of 36 teams are now competing in the Zwölften. “Trotzdem wollen wir nicht vor Bewunderung erstarren, sondern ours was zutrauen.”

Gegen Brest (1:2) and Bridge (0:1) are now in Phasen. The form of the Grazer takes place in the Kollektiv nach oben. The 5:0 match in Salzburg and the 5:2 derby in the GAK never started with “Learnings aus der Champions League” matches again.

There is “a good momentum”, a “Flow” is a team celebration. If all goes well, the elf itself in the Bundesliga has become a bad GAK if the balance is lost. During the Verletzungen of Jon Gorenc Stankovic and Gregory Wüthrich Routine played.

Gyökeres im Sturm das Ausängeschild

“Wir was able to make a selection from the last matches of the game. After we started in the Champions League, Leistungen went to the top of the competition,” says Stürmer Mika Biereth. “We have a good life,” said the German representative Jusuf Gazibegovic after the Derbysieg. “Ich hoffe, that is the insight into the Champions League match and sport that we can continue.”

Der Gegner groans like a collapsed Truppe, which does not even generate a turnover of 50 million euros in the summer. Während Sturm für Biereth de Klub-Rekordablöse von 4,7 Mio. Euro-hinblätterte, holten de Portugiesen Biereths dänischen U21-Teamkollegen Conrad Harder voor 19 Mio. Euro von Nordsjaelland as Ersatzmann for Einserstürmer Viktor Gyökeres.

He trifft in Schnitt all 81 Minutes for Sporting and is with 29 Tower on Calendar with our item Stay at Number One in the Top 10 Leagues Europe. Erling Haaland, Harry Kane and Robert Lewandowski follow in the 23 Tower. The fact that the Mittelstürmer is four times ahead of the Swedish team in the Nations-League-Herbst has never been bad.

Sports trainer Amorim has Biereth and Yalcouye as coaches

Der Sporting-Trainer heißt noch Ruben Amorim. The Portuguese has been a favorite for Jürgen Klopp’s followers in Liverpool for a long time, let’s face it, after all. Medial kolportiert is that the Verantwortlichen der Reds Amorims 3-4-3 is used as a greater systematic surveillance.

“Really, on the Kommandobrücke man the trainer after a few years,” said Ilzer von keiner allzu lange Verweildauer des 39-Jährigen in Lisbon more hours out. Seine Abwehr must have Amorim zuzetzt umbauen. With Ousmane Diomande, the Zentrale Verteidiger loses a Knöchelverletzung auch gegen Sturm aus.

The Grazer is in the Vergleich zum Vorjahr verbessert, meinte Amorim. “You have had a strong Stürmer. A midfield player is more than a better ball player,” said the sports trainer at the press conference in Klagenfurt with Blick on Biereth and Malick Yalcouye.

There is a prophetic and intensive party. “We will be a sweaty ball in the Zweikämpfen and in the Kampf that will be forced. If the sparrows are ready, signal and do not lose the ball when I am nearby.”

The player with the most Champions League achievements

By Sheisoe

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