Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Blaulicht report: Rettungshubschrauber escapes lost motorbike rider (73) in the clinic

Blaulicht report: Rettungshubschrauber escapes lost motorbike rider (73) in the clinic

Unfälle, Einbrüche, Betrüger, Sachbeschädigungen und een gesuchter verurteilter Dieb beschäftigten Polizei und Bundespolizei am Wochenende.

Ühlingen-Birkendorf: Biker at Sturz schwer verletzt

One of our lost Motorradfahrer (73) must have been in Sonntagabend on October 20, having been flown into the clinic with the rettungshubschrauber, the Police reported.

There is a war going on at 5.15 pm in Seewanger Straße from Igelschlatt (Ühlingen-Birkendorf), in a Kurvenbereich, nachdem er von der Straße.

The Police pays damages with an amount of 3000 Euro per year.

Bad Säckingen: Unbekannter schießt Pfeil auf ein Auto

An undisputed hat, vermutlich in the Zeit von Donnerstagbis Freitagmorgen, 17. to 18. October, with Pfeil and Bogen gessen on a small transporter, der in Wallbach (Bad Säckingen) in the Industriestraße Abgestellt War.

The vehicle is damaged, the vehicle is in the interior, it is in the police report. The damage amounts to approximately 500 euros.

The Police Bad Säckingen (07761 934-0) offers information for information.

Lauchringen: Fahranfängerin schrottet PS-starkes Auto

One Fahranfängerin (19) is here on Sunday, October 20, 8:40 PM, and they will stay overnight. With my PS starken Auto kam sie beim Industriegebiet in Lauchringen von der Kreisstraße (Detzelner Straße) ab, the Police writes. One of the three Mitfahrer (21) is said to have been slightly injured.

You are in a Kurvenbereich near the Wiggenberg Industrial Area in Lauchringen near the control of the Fahrzeug.

The car war is no longer exciting. The young woman suffered damage of 35,000 euros.

Küssaberg: Mann (35) struggles with the e-scooter

Ein Mann (35) was stopped with his E-Scooter on Friday, October 18, at 11:40 am on Hauptstraße in Kadelburg. Who the police are, is a Verletzung am Fuß zu. The Rettungsdienst brought ihn into the Krankenhaus.

The police mutet, that man with his vehicle is a bordsteinkante fuhr, dabei the loss of control.

Am Roller war laut Angaben kein Kennzeichen brought. The Police have given the Versicherungspflicht the roads of the Verstoßes.

Waldshut-Tiengen: Einbrecher nehmen Geld mit

During the night of the Donnerstag on Friday, October 17 to 18, Einbrecher climbed into a Geschäft in Bismarckstraße in Waldshut Geld, teilt de Polizei mit.

Laut Angaben depends on the description of a session in the closet. In a Gemeinschaftsraum it can cost more than a hundred euros.

Die Polizei in Waldshut (07751 8316-0) is a Hinweise.

Bad Säckingen: Einbrecher versucht’s an der Schule

Also in Bad Säckingen war laut Polizeimeldung ein Einbrecher belowwegs. In the time of Donnerstagabend bis Freitagabend, 17. to 18. October, soll there is fresh haben, in a Schulgebäude in der Friedrichsstraße inzudringen.

The Polizists represent the Spuren festival, the of a Hebel tribe. After activating the mode, nothing can be climbed.

The Police Bad Säckingen (07761 934-0) is available for advice.

Jestetten: Polizei fahndet nach Einbrechern

In Jestetten, at the Bahnhof, since Unbekannte in der Nacht auf Samstag, 19. October, 0.20 Uhr, in a Living area in a Haus eingestiegen, reported the Police. This autumn lies in the description of a suspicious vor.

The raw data has left the terrace. Zeuge is the shine of taschen lights and informs the police. When the Beamten are ready, the Täter über den Garten will fly. The many things that Fahndung did did not bring one.

One of the suspects is the following description: mannlich, 1.80 meters, Dreitagebart, ausstaffert with black-grauer Arbeitskleidung and grauer Schirmmütze.

The Kriminalpolizei Waldshut-Tiengen (07751 8316-0) bittet Property of video superguards Grundstücken, the Aufzeichnungen youner Nacht can see, and will report if you were on the Bändern.

Bad Säckingen: Mutwillig zwei Autos zekratzt

In Bad Säckingen since we lived there, we were driving cars, and we were notified by police.

The first autumn: In the Hauensteinstraße the Freitag, between 2 and 4.45 pm, a car is damaged. A real Kratzpur is a sign of the Beifahreerseite, who dares to be attacked by a striker Gegenstand, writes the Police.

During the summer: Between 3:30 PM and 4 PM, you can drive a car in the Alten Basler Straße for a healthy lifestyle. If you get pointe treatment, it will be treated.

The Police in Bad Säckingen (07761 934-0) has a Hinweise zu both cases.

It could be interesting

High Rhine

Blaulicht report: A man (43) and a woman (62) grow cannabis and – the police report

Eine Cannabispflanze in een Gewächshaus (Symbolbild). Solche Exemplare findet die Polizei in een Wohngebiet in Wehr.

Efringen-Kirchen: Unbekannte stehlen a Transporter

Unbekannte haben in der Zeit von Freitag, 18. October, 5.30 PM, bis Samstag, 19. October, 13 PM, at a Autohaus im Breitenstein in Efringen-Kirchen (Landkreis Lörrach) a white Transporter (Opel Movano) with a silver Dachaufbau and a Leiter am Heck im Wert von 22,000 Euro gestohlen.

Whoever informed the police brought the Täter am Fahrzeug one of another Auto gestohlenes LÖ-Kennzeichen an.

Weil am Rhein: Gesuchter (40) in der Straßenbahn erwischt

The Federal Police hat on Saturday, October 19, in the borderline streets in Weil am Rhein (Friedlingen) a Mann (40) festgenommen, with a Haftbefehl gesucht wurde, wrote the Behörde in a press issue.

De Beamten could no longer use cross-border documents 40 years ago, he has moved on. If the computer comes out of the closet, the man may end up in a war.

During the 40 years of war, diebstahls were in a special situation when they fell, but there was no war that would result in legal proceedings.

The Federal Police after the man on the same day for the festivities. A problem arose after the decision of the Amtsgerichtswerk.

Schopfheim: Betrüger beklauen a Frau (87)

In Weil am Rhein there had been old washing works for years, as Schopfheim reported the Police at Montag, October 21, an autumn with men who left a glass phaser company as workers and were thus able to get money from the Housing a Frau (87).

Both fall honors at Mittwoch, October 16. The Fall in Schopfheim: Two Männer rang at 12.35 in the Königsbergerstraße at the 87-Jährigen. They look like a Firmenausweis – mutmaßlich gefälscht.

The woman lies to the men in her house, she is involved in one conversation, the other through the Räume and fand tatsächlich Bares. Den Diebstahl noticed the woman when the bet was gone.

Both can be described as follows: One is large and slender, the other is small, powerful and has a striking Frisur (Haar zum Zopf gebunden, mit abrasiertem Haar on der Seite). Both men are vermutlich rotten-black-streifte Jacken, writes the police.

The Polizei Schopfheim (07622 666980) is a Hinweise and a great man of Vorsicht.

It could be interesting


Car power with fuller Wucht in a Baum – der Fahrer (21) helmbt

Schrecklicher Unfall in Kanton Zürich, nahe Kloten: Das Auto prallt in voller Fahrt in een Baum en wird in more Teile zerrissen.

By Sheisoe

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