Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Kritik an Social-Media-Post – Hamburger SPD senator is behind Özoguz – Politik

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – Hamburg’s Finanzsenator and Kreisvorsitzender of the SPD in Wandsbek, Andreas Dressel, is also aware of the ways in which Israel is criticized on Instagram posts under the pressure of the Bundestagsvizepräsidentin Aydan Özoguz (SPD). Zwar sei der Post “schlicht inakzeptabel und een schwerer Fehler” gewesen, said Dressel der Deutschen Presse-Agentur. “Aber Aydan Özoguz has a feeling of guilt, that is the only man who criticizes his knowledge.” This is a good thing in the “Bild” edition.

The 57-year-old Hamburger, who will be entered into parliament as a direct candidate during the Bundestagswahlen in Hamburg-Wandsbek, will continue to live in the future. The Kreisvorstand has ensured that the Wochen has received new impetus, like Dressel. “The Entscheidung trifft de Wahlkreisvertreterversammlung on November 16.”

Make sure the post is unposted

In the Mittwoch office, if you hear a message from the ‘Jewish Voice for Peace’ as an Instagram story, the post will be spread to whoever. The ‘Bild’-zeitung was about an Israeli anger at a Krankenhaus in the Gaza Strip. Überschrieben soll der Post mit “This is Zionism” (“Das ist Zionismus”) gewesen sein. The Zionist Movement is on 19th anniversary of the creation of a Jewish National State – 1948. Israel was founded.

Özoguz is guilty of the Post. “It’s a war, this Instagram story can be told. I am a Verzeihung“, I think it is a Freitag after a session of the Bundestags-Älstenenrats erklärt. Ihr Ansinnen are in the Gesellschaft Brücken zu bauen and the Menschen zeeammenzubringen. “Dieser Post haber das genaue Gegenteil bewirkt. I distance myself from davon.”

Israels Botschafter fordert Erklärung

Nach dem Postwar Özoguz massive Kritik entgegengeschgen. The chairman of the Zentralrats der Juden, Josef Schuster, spoke about an “Entgleisung”. CDU General Carsten Linnemann is fighting against anti-Semitic issues to spread and further his argument.

Israel’s Botschafter Ron Prosor has an Erklärung der Bundestagsvizepräsidentin. ‘It was a matter of life, if we were all clear, it was that we spoke of Zionism. If you would like more information about your farbe-confessions, say about the Bild-Zeitung.

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By Sheisoe

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