Tue. Oct 22nd, 2024

Influence on Louisa Dellert in Porträt: Der lange Weg zur Selbstakzeptanz

Influence on Louisa Dellert in Porträt: Der lange Weg zur Selbstakzeptanz

“I’m happy to share my videos,” is what Content Creator says in Louisa Dellert in the new social media format “Unshame”. Over the course of the video clips, the themes are unrealistic, self-optimization and discriminatory standards. If you’re white yourself, your heart probably is that you can get a good hint of the backcountry.

“Boah, you’ve become fett! So please take care of it and then first say it!”, Solche Commenteren und Schlimmers begin Dellert schon lange. In 2013, social media talked about politics, reality, feminism and corporate identity.

Dellert writes Bücher, hostete Podcasts, gründete a beratungsagentur für Kommunikation, where ever more diverse Bühnen zu seehen and moderierte the ARD-TV-Sendung “Deep and Deutsch“.

With my Erfolg there is no more sequel, but the Zahl are Hater. If you criticize the content of the influence, your opinion is in the comments on any theme. When it comes to a question, you may have to deal with Tod. Strong power Dellert weiter. They describe themselves as “Harmoniemensch with People-Pleaser-Syndrom”. If the criticism responds to reflection, research, everyone is right on their machine and continues to perform. See you soon, until summer 2023.

If Dellert is in the supermarket, it’s just a matter of a while. “I was totally over-ordered. Mein Herz brückte, mein Atem spielte verrückt en ich fing anzu weinen“, erzählt über den Moment ihres Zusammenbruchs. However long it takes, the longer it takes. „The war from the beginning of a whole new journey“.

Mittelschwere Depressions

Disruptions, migrations, feelings of lust and panic attacks can cause burnout in the city. If Dellert does it differently, follow the diagnosis: if you are depressed.

First you saw the end of the trip and the fact that you might have done a little more, it was a miserable experience: in the moderation in Fernsehen, in the Beratungsfirma, in Berlin.

“My calendar is off,” he said of this time. “I am never sad, that is why I am deeply and deeply ignorant, but that is not the case.” The Content Creator loses the main city and sees his home in Braunschweig.

“I have to leave Berlin. More and more changes are being made, while the man can and can use cleaning products. It is a matter of vergleichen and drucken. If there are no hinged corridors, I took a direct flight,” Dellert comes in the Ausstieg from the Berliner Medienblase.

It is the darkest time of the depression that indicates that Dellert and his sense of happiness will have to deal with his followers. No generic texts or other texts expressing critical criticism have appeared on the Internet.

‘I have experienced the ways of medicine that cause depression. Leute haben mir das immer wieder gesagt.” Die Nachrichten und Kommentare machen Dellert zu kosten. “I have decided, therefore I will reason. Not now, the depression was with my power hat, but be that as it may, when man had such a break-up.”

As a woman, the man became more difficult to understand. Entweder is the man you could find. Zu fell Bauchfett, zu wenig Oberweite. If you have cellulite, you can get the best out of yourself. Dellerts Appell lautet daher: „Last we train, other people don’t have to reduce their costs. No one has to worry about their own appearances.” Create your own format, but you don’t have to worry about it.

Freshly backed Buchhändlerin and Cafébetreiberin

“’Unshame’ was an Unfall,” she says. “Those videos are very good. I never dished anything, but then I thought it would be like this: Geben will do the thing, but it’s not a name.’ Otherwise if I were to look at my Zusammenbruch I might look at the research and description of the themes. „Ich mache mal mehr, mal weniger, je nachdem wie ich mich gerade fühle en wie veld Zeit ich habe. It is not possible to get more jobs. That should work to some extent.”

Go to the new formats and next steps for the Dellert party: your search takes place in the offline world. Life in the depression did not last long, but also as a trauma. I will be in Braunschweig in October at Buchcafé “SiSu Lou”. A Wohllfühlort, a stressful Alltag to fly. “Sisu” is for “Sinnsuche” and describes in Finnish a mental, which in turn requires the resources to be developed.

On social media, Dellert recounted the previous experiences in October and said that their fans, being what they are, are snapping at the nose. “I’m so proud of myself, so I’m happy with it,” he said in an Instagram story. “As we are on Instagram, it is a step that is really clear,” it is a freshly backed bookstore and café bar.

“I would like everything to be a clean infrastruction. Mich, den Laden, das Konzept, ob ich the Erwartungen court became and ob ich davon leben kann. This project is not a hobby, but my Zukunft.”

Der Grund für ihre Zweifel? “Ungefragtes Feedback,” says Dellert. “Erwartungshaltungen und Ansprüche an mich, die man others will no longer use books or cafes. If you say you are in Café kostenlos, read how you will be criticized, the slogan is the representation of the cafés in English and not available in German. That’s it. It’s good.”

The Content Creator and the Geschäftsführerin will provide an overview and an overview, before learning, before the boundaries will be seen. “I could make a wise choice, both offline and online. It was not that there was a great chance that the Leute was sagen or schreiben. There is a solution for dialogue.”

By Sheisoe

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