Wed. Oct 23rd, 2024

Samsung Clip goes viral: Millions of fans make DIESES video! | Employ

Samsung Clip goes viral: Millions of fans make DIESES video! | Employ

If you are young, think – and have a soul: the perfect Surfer Body for your Traumurlaub bekommen!

42 days, more time for Stacey and Steve to bring themselves into Top Form. In a new brand you can see them both jogging, doing sit-ups in the office and playing in the new herausfordern. To raise? Don’t come to Frage! With the Galaxy Watch Ultra and the Samsung Health App you can track EVERYTHING: with your workout on the energy score, including your energy level, you can write and train. Der Clou dabei: If you can no longer see your own fortress, continue with the partners! The wettkampf is a good energy score – and I will get the best energy score.

When they finally end it, with no one friends: When they both arrive in the surfer’s paradise, the Urlaub becomes the Bach renter. And Steve didn’t see anyone else, but Stacey didn’t find anything…

Achtung: Gucken Sie das Video unbedingt bis zum end en finden Sie heraus, welche overraschung Steve plants hat.

A dieser Stelle can find you on YouTube

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Who fits in 42 Tagen WIRKLICH?

After the Clip is a large fragment: Who fits in 42 days? We live at Sportwissenschaftler Dr. Dr. Michael Despeghel nachgefragt: „A Hobbysportler, is prepared, three times a week to train, can use his training for 50 percent and take four kilograms!’ And that’s not really all: See more muskeln auf und Ihr Körper regenerates faster. Bedeutet: If you train, you can have clean Vollgas tomorrow – ohne Pause and Muskelkater.

There are some messages that you can find on the Galaxy Watch Ultra that will stop you from receiving messages. The BIA-Sensor (Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis) sends microströme to the Körper and can thus detect the Muskel-, Fett- and Wassermenge in Körper-ermitteln – everything with a Knopfdruck!

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Do you know Sie schon that 3+3+4 Secret Formal?

Have you found a man who is at most 42 days old? Expert Dr. Dr. Despeghel has used the 3+3+4 fitness shape, which offers your perfect structure.

Dr. Dr. Michael Despeghel is a sports scientist and author of several books, including “2 days since the day you enjoyed it”, published in riva-Verlag

Dr. Dr. Michael Despeghel is a sports scientist and author of several books, including “2 days since the day you enjoyed it”, published in riva-Verlag

Photo: Desphegel

  • 3 Day Ausdauer: Enjoy a dream of 45 minutes of walking, swimming or Nordic walking. Aber: Radfahrer müssen took so long – weil that little Muskeln beans became fruit!
  • 3 Day Kraft Training: And three days after the training session with the plan! Machen Sie three Sätze einer Geräte-Übung with sechs bis eight wiederholungen – with 80 Prozent Ihrer Maximalkraft. If you don’t take a break during the break, it will take minutes to finish. In the first three weeks you should achieve a re-frequency of 190 min Ihr Alter. Danach is heiß: Pushen Sie with High-Intensity-Einheiten Ihren Puls four times for one minute at 220 min Ihr Alter.
  • 4 Tage Top Ernährung: Females weigh 1.3 grams of egg white per kilogram of body weight and males 1.5 grams per kilogram of weight – they are best for fresh meat. Dazu täglich two Stück Obst and 500 Gram Gemüse. Please note that no more than 80 grams of Zucker and Genügen Omega-3 fat are in essence. Why? Die wertvollen Fette aus Fisch und Algen reduzieren Muskelkater und Entzündungen. Gute Nachrichten for all Schlemmer fans: Four tags of junk food, dairy and alcohol are all taboo, and the three remaining days will take longer to increase.

With the Galaxy Watch Ultra tracking, you can experience a nervous tension. The current AGE-s-Index lacks the Glycationsendproducts, which could be added with my Ernährung. You'll see more Zucker, it's especially worth using the AGEs. You can use a personal and personalized usage tip to click directly on your smartphone!

With the Galaxy Watch Ultra tracking, you can experience a nervous tension. The current AGEs Index lacks the Glycation End Products, which could be affected by my Ernährung. You’re more Zucker, it’s essential that the AGEs get stronger. You can use a personal and personalized usage tip to click directly on your smartphone!

Photo: Samsung

Krasser Extra Boost: “Viele Menschen unterschätzen die Wirkung von Schritten: Dabei verlopen Sie mit 6000 Schritten 300 bis 500 Kalorien zätzlich pro Tag”, weiß der Fitness-Experte. Tracken Sie Ihre Schritte and moving Sie sich zwischendurch: „If you sit longer than 30 minutes at a time, I stop your exercise. Once you move, you drop your physical weight at high speed. Sollten Sie abends merks, dass Sie das Ziel von 6000 Schritten noch nicht erreicht haben, gehen Sie nor mal aine entspannte Runde um den Block!”

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It’s a Gamechanger, an herbal motivation to play!

We all know it: Bereits in the herbal sector will play the first night attacks in the supermarket and our hormone serotonin falls into the Keller. If you are exercising, you can put wool on the couch and eat a tasty snack. But: Who’s coming with the Hamster Wheel? Have you received a Serotonin Mirror that you can no longer use? Here is the answer from the Fitness Expert: “Exercise stimulates serotonin production and… Sport is the best way to create motivation.”

Is this a problem and a problem? With our 20 Minute Movement we catapult you into the Herbst Blues!

Is this a problem and a problem? If we go a few minutes further, we will be catapulted into the Herbst-Blues!

Photo: iStock

If you like it, do it with your friends to train! With the best power of the Kumpel it is more Spas, it is worth cooking and warming your heart. And: Gemeinsam sind Sie stärker und sagen Verabredungen nicht so schnell ab. It is important that you enable all components of the calendar. If you combine sports and sports, save your orderly time!

Unser Tipp: Starten Sie jetzt mit der Galaxy Watch Ultra a fitness challenge for friends. So make sure you get new best results and your training schedule is there. In nur 42 Tagen Sie – so who Stacey and Steve – come into Top-Form! Also: Worauf warten Sie noch?

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By Sheisoe

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