Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

CliAsprei Staats: Mit Citizen Science v Urbane Hitze

CliAsprei Staats: Mit Citizen Science v Urbane Hitze

© Klima- und Energiefonds/APA-Fotoservice/Rudolph / Verleihung des CliA in Wien an Projekt OPUSH
© Klima- und Energiefonds/APA-Fotoservice/Rudolph / Verleihung des CliA in Wien an Projekt OPUSH

State prize for the climate hiking trail in Bereich Forschung receives an innovative project from TU Wien and

Wien – Am 16. Oktober wurde „CliA”, der Österreichische Staatsspreis für Klimawandelanpassung, im Museumsquartier verliehen. This high state award goes further than the vorbildhafte project for the climawandelanpassung in the Vorhang. In the Special Category „Forschung” the project „OPUSH – Citizen Science Pilot carried out Urban Heat Stories” by future.lab TU Wien Architektur and Raumplanung gemeinsam met der TU Wien Bibliothek and der Umwelt-NGO

Urbane Ballungsräume is under the influence of zunehmender Hitze as Folge des Klimawandels, the dort velde Flächen Version Gelt sind, Gebäude Wärme speichern and nights abstract and often Schneisen für kühlende Luftzirkulation fehlen. At Hitze-Extremen the air temperature has become higher with better Feinstaubbelastung-zusammen. It could be the human bolt that brings with it a seine Belastungsgrens. In the Bevölkerung it is outside vulnerable groups, who are affected by Hitzeextreme, and other people, Säuglinge and children anyway sick people. An elongated bed and evidence in the nachhaltiger stadtentwicklung is integrated and the social dimension of the climate walking passung is strong, with “OPUSH” in the fragmentation, where Hitze-Erfahrungen are vulnerable groups in their Wohnumfeld-machen. and can therefore achieve “super-friendly” results in the planning process for environmental management.

The project is vulnerable when it comes to a situation. In 2023, the city area inner favorites and the sunnwendviertel were examined, where the Quellenplatz lies the Vienna Urban-Heat-Vulnerability Map in a highly charged lie. Seniors: from the age of 70 they extend their range to a universal Nachbarschaftskarte fest, die in unjustified philosophies of life for their beddeutungszond (Gesundheit, Erholung, Treffen, Transport, Nahversorgung, Kultur, Sport) and erzählten in personal Geschichten in the temperature mode. Make sure that the fans are statt during spazier corridor temperature measurement with mobile sensors and the ausgewählten Aufenthaltsorten. These messages can be sent in Echtzeit in an app on a smartphone. “Therefore, we are aware of the benefits and considerations of the vulnerable people involved, who are required to take a careful approach to planning their environment in the open environment for climate change,” says Christian Peer of the TU Wien. “With citizen science and experimental urban planning, we are both innovative and have a positive attitude towards our future development.”

The climate walk becomes more important for the city and the community as climate politics increases. While the methods modified in OPUSH adopt a communal development strategy, the essential social dimensions will become serious. “Soul as a Citizen Science Organization is the Partizipation of Bevölkerung zu fördern, vulnerability Groups visible and handlungsfähig zu machen”, writes Silvio Heinze. There is a Geschäftsführer der Umweltorganisation, who among other things mobile messages and restores, which play a major role in Workshops with Schüler: it is a matter of work and a man can own his own property before 7 years for up to 77 years to use. Daten für ihre Stadtentwicklung erhalten, sondern so auch Bewusstsein and Kompetenzen der Bürger:innen in een Umgang mit de Auswirkungen des Klimawandels stärken”, so Anna Hämmerle absschließend.

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By Sheisoe

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