Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Were you in the Vampir series “Love Sucks”? All numbers in the list

Were you in the Vampir series “Love Sucks”? All numbers in the list

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In the new ZDF series “Love Sucks” Vampire can be seen in the center point. In “Maxton Hall” Damian Hardung played the role of Vampir Ben, who lived in a young Boxerin. Were the most important figures of the new Series?

Were you in the Vampir series “Love Sucks”? All numbers in the list
1/9Vampir Ben von Greifenstein (Damian Hardung) has been an anthrax of the Daseins’ unendlichkeit for more than a year. There is incompetence in Zelda when something goes wrong. If the problem arises, it is true that both are gefährlich. People are watching, but the Leidenschaft, the two people are inflamed, is so grim that they will be ignored… © ZDF/Frank Dicks
“Love Sucks - Ins Licht”: Theo von Greifenstein (Rick Okon) leans against a wall with a large gelben Schalter in his hands. There is a look in the room and sunglasses. The Schalter is connected with cable and deck and with a rotten button.
2/9Theo (Rick Okon), Ben’s alterer Bruder, is looking for his foreign parties and zügellosen Eska paths – a life full of excess that knows no boundaries. But one lonely night changes everything. When one of the wild things has happened, life has become more incomprehensible. Von unstillbarem Schmerz und brennerdem Hass getrieben, kennt Theo fortan nur noch ein Ziel: Vergeltung, kosten es, was es wolle. Seine Rache would top everything, it was a riskier hat… © ZDF/Frank Dicks
3/9Zelda Zoris (Havana Joy Josephine Braun), a campy and carefree Boxer, lives a passionate life with the scary gases of Frankfurter Rummels and their hearts Alltag in Boxring. If you don’t know Furcht and Schwäche, a Mann-name Ben ihre Welt ins Wanken is brought. After a more intensive camp, we ignite in a unique Leidenschaft. When Zelda inherits, Ben is a vampir who makes his life miserable. You are proud of your love for Zelda – as a born Kämpfer, he puts his unerschrocken jeder Bedrohung and proud of his Schicksalsschlag. © ZDF/Frank Dicks
“Love Sucks - For All Times”: Katharina (Anne Ratte-Polle) looks over the Schulter with some light-hearted August. The world is bright and light, your big vampiric window is a sight.
4/9Katharina von Greifenstein (Anne Ratte-Polle), the mother of Ben and Theo, is one of the leaders of the Greifenstein family. Over the years, a powerful empire in Frankfurt can become a Blutbank branch. You may get a hint of the welding and defaults that will be loaded by you when you do that. In any case, if you are protected, you risk everything safely. © ZDF/Frank Dicks
“Love Sucks - Blutsbande”: Xandra (Lotte Engels) sits upright on a decked Tisch. My hand lies over my heart and it is a matter of stollz nach vorn. There's a doll inside.
5/9Xandra (Lotte Engels), who has spoken to a child in the kitchen for years, sees it as a lost danach, who has become and will become an experienced Frau. This is a study of analysis and it is not the case that all borders are separated. Eifersucht und unerfüllter Schmerz nagen an ihr, treiben sie in een gefährlichen Rausch. Besessen von ihrem Wunsch, endlich das zu kommen, was ihr verwehrt bleibt, stürzt sie ich in een gnadenlose Jagd. If you are a rastlos, this can happen in your own future life… © ZDF/Frank Dicks
“Love Sucks - Rache”: The Zoris family is found in a Wohnmobil. Zelda Zoris (Havana Joy) started playing and changing with weapons from the statues. Neben ihr steht Vater Ilja Zoris (Stipe Erceg), the left arm is rested in the Hüfte. It seems that Sohn Branko (Dennis Scheuermann) is skeptical about Ilja and Zelda, a Tisch sitzt. Branko has seen the seriousness of the matter.
6/9Rarely Bruder Branko (Dennis Scheuermann) and his father Ilja (Stipe Erceg) tell a good relationship, inspired by Verlust and Verantwortung. Branko lives in the boxing ring as well as for his life and his surviving family. If there is an inheritance, if Zelda is in a Vampir-verliebt hat, it is true that everything you risk will be a dream playing out. Ilja, the tod signaler Frau große Opfer brought hat, weight Zelda into the family mystery. It has started, if you post a message in Boxen and Töten, we will find more opportunities to use your children’s schützen. © ZDF/Frank Dicks
“Love Sucks - Light and Treasures”: Ben (Damian Hardung) meets his brother Theo (Rick Okon) and quickly connects with Schulter. They both die in the Augen. Before Elisabeth (Eveline Hall) was with Beatmungsschlauch in the Nase in Rollstuhl, Damian was with the free hand party. Elisabeth covers her hand in a different color and moves to the bottom. You will find the three in one of the dunklen Ausstellungshalle. A gold-plated Gemälde hangs on the wall behind it.
7/9Elisabeth (Eveline Hall), the beloved of Ben, is active in the Lebensgeschichten von Ben and his brother Theo is lost. Here you can see how Ben has all the spannungen, while Ben’s mittlerweile in Zelda is a Vampirjägerin, a great hat. Elisabeth’s influence and the inner tensions and the fact that I am one of the individual figures are dramatic consequences of inspiration and rivalry. © ZDF/Frank Dicks
„Love Sucks - Die Nacht gehört us“: In a dunklen Club: Dragqueen Precious (Alexander Prince Osei) lives in a country and keeps himself with the rights Hand a Glass and Face. Precious wirkt nachdenklich.
8/9Drag queen Precious (Alexander Prince Osei) has adopted the love couple Ben and Zelda at a separate stage in his life. Valuable versteht die Liebe auf a besondere Weise and thus became one of whose important Nebenrole in der Geschichte. © ZDF/Frank Dicks
“Love Sucks - Light and Treasures”: Vanessa (Lisa-Marie Koroll) sits Agata (Dana Herfurth) on a Schießstand at the Jahrmarktes. Vanessa held a Rose in her right Hand and made Agata new. Agata is happy and laughing.
9/9Agata (Dana Herfurth) is the hunter of Theos Freundin and Vertraute. My ending at an ausschweifende party can Vanessa (Lisa-Marie Koroll) not ausschlagen… © ZDF/Frank Dicks

In the new German Vampir series “Love Sucks” Ben (Damian Hardung) and the pre-boxer Zelda (Havana Joy Josephine Braun) started in a Kirmesboxbude. It was also more exciting that Kampf started, not one of the best twists: After a quick Haken von Zelda with Ben zu Boden geschickt, but she darauf with both clear, that’s a tiefere Weise connected since – durch die wahre, absolute Liebe.

If your family has been bitter for a long time, your family has been bitter for a long time. Trotz des Drohenden Konflikts und alle Hindernisse separated sich Ben and Zelda dafür, one of your lies to camp and ensure there is more family attention.

The series will take place on October 11, 2024 at the ZDFmediathek, in all eight subsequent editions. For fans of the classic Fernsehens, there is a linear Ausstrahlung at ZDFneo on Donnerstag, October 31, in keeping with Halloween. At 8:15 pm you can use the music in the most likely way to set Ben and Zelda free, the tension, the drama and the natural elementals.

Who knows the man Hauptdarsteller Damian Hardung?

Damian Hardung made his mark in 2012 as a 14-year-old for the first time, appearing in three films: “Transpapa”, “Unter Frauen” and “Online – Meine Tochter in Gefahr”. I have been working on the animated film „Clara und das Geheimnis der Bären“ for some time now, which is part of the TV criticism „Mord in Eberswalde“ and „Die Holzbaronin“. 2015, just like the Durchbruch in the VOX series “Club der roten Bänder”, in there as krebskranker Jonas with others schwerkranken Jugendlichen auf der Kinderstation lebte. Leading roles are followed in the series ‘How to sell drugs online (quickly),’ ‘Spides’ and ‘Gestern were not childish’. 2024 went fast due to the role as wohlhabender James Beaufort in the Roman adaptation “Maxton Hall – Die Welt zischen uns” grote merksamkeit, while Staffel would make his plans in the future.

By Sheisoe

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