Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Zensur in US-Gefängnissen – Who stops a project days

Zensur in US-Gefängnissen – Who stops a project days

When you visit a living room, your book becomes bigger and bigger, including Mr. der Ringe's. Darüber steht der Name des bookladens "Open Books - 2000 estimate".

Über Bücher in Florida is said to have received messages over time. If you get into trouble from the federal state, go to Lesestoff.

Quelle: ZDF

With “Open Books” it is a different paper, which can stack all the books and shelves full of books, which are sorted. If the small books are in the Pensacola, Florida area of ​​residence, there may be more books being published or more books being published. For Jessyca Smoke it’s more like that.

Dieser Bücherloaded hat einen ganz besonderen Platz in ihrem Herzen, sagt sie: “I have a lot of Bücher von here gelesen, as I am Gefängnis war.” It has come, something has happened. If you want to buy a book, you can develop your project. It happens so often.

Beamter verschließt Zelle in JVA

Damn crazy. Viele Häftlinge became more punishable after the Freiheitsstrafe. A new investigation into the insulation has begun in the first phase of the study.14.05.2024 | 7:30 min

Free Bücher für Gefangene

There is part of the book in the cupboards and shelves in the gefängnislanden. The hint of the “Open Book” project is spent on purchasing and using all the costs for ordering books in the form of a sweet. Für Insassen is meer schwieriger, een Bücher zu kommen. In Florida, Privatleute keine Bücher ins Gefängnis schicken, auch deshalb wurde Open Books 2020 als Charity-Buchladen gründet, erklärt Johnny Ardis.

The Gründer was a celebration, that was a book that only fell among the people, the reconciliation, which would improve itself.

Johnny Ardis, director “Open Books”

Before you can do this, you can improve your livelihood. For Jessyica Smoke there was an alcohol and desiccant that caused a false friendship, which resulted in Gesetz brechen. If you are guilty, I am guilty of it. 15 Jahre is her, this is a new life. See also other people from the Gefängnis process.

It was the toughest choice for my war in the war. I studied for three years and it was probably a lesson.

Jessyca Smoke, ehemil Insassin

Everything was one of those moments where Umfeld had a moment of peace, smelling like Bücher.

Gefängnisroman "The idiot"

An innocent Roman hero has found a very absurd act of sabotage, which is an undeniable sin, in the hope that he would be set free. Davon traded in the Gulag-Roman von Georgi Demidow.11.01.2024 | 2:53 min

PEN: Florida is the Federal State with high restrictions

Florida is no longer a state, there are private individuals and organizations dedicated to solving their debt problems. Auch others in Staaten ist es verboten. The background is the best of the Drogenschmuggel with the Büchern. Kritiker sagen: The Drogen find another way, next to the books and the information is then much clearer.

Laut an analysis of the organization PEN America has undergone a strong analysis on 2015 – of 30 Prozent-gefängnissen, which will now start a single time a year later in the year 84 in the year 2023. Moria Marquis carried out the analysis for PEN America. If you concrete gegenüber ZDFheute, projects with “Open Books” you will see an overview.

Free booking of community projects is a retardant anchor for smart people, who are as light as possible when you take lessons.

Moria Marquis, Week of banned books in prison

The einschränkungen für Büchersendungen in Gefängnis are neither as good as the inhaltliche Zensur. But still, it is forbidden since it was destroyed. In the year 2023 standings in Florida over 22,000 Bücher on the Index, is the Federal State with the most Einschränkungen. The largest group for breathing Zen is the PEN “sexuell expliziter” Inhalt, not a novel about art, meditation and visual arts.

People with Placards

Rassismus, Diversität, Gleichberechtigung, sexuelle Orientierung: In the USA we will make stritts, which will only vermittelt themes and debts and colleges.26.04.2023 | 6:15 min

Tausende Bücher für Floridas Gefangene

Various organizations oppose each other. The political climate no longer works, says Marquis. The more democratic senators see a glimpse of light in October after the offensive of the reforms by the Bundesgefängnisse. More transparency first Schritt, the road to a real translation is not so good.
A man in a kurzen, karierten Hemd steht in een Raum voler Bücher en schaut frundlich in de Kamera.

Johnny Ardis has found a regularity at “Open Books” in Rente. Der gemeinnützige Bücherloaded would be nur von Freiwilligen berieben.

Quelle: ZDF

“Open Books” hat in a trendy Jahren Tausende Bücher in Florida’s Gefängnisse verschickt. And the Wänden in the communal Bücherladen hangs Kunst, die Gefangene als Dank zurückschicken. Teilweise large Plakate from Papierbögen, which were printed with letter marks.

The Insassen write our briefs. With the tension, it’s a matter of time, how to spot a lie and how the booker can help.

Johnny Ardis, director “Open Books”

Solches Feedback stops volunteering with Johnny Ardis at the Stange. It is not possible to heat the inserts.

Anna Kleiser is a correspondent in ZDF-Studio Washington.

A person holds a smartphone in hand. You can now see the WhatsApp Channel of the ZDFheute.

Quelle: ZDF

Do you see wool on the laufenden? Then you can visit our ZDFheute-WhatsApp-Channel right now. Even for a morning coffee, lunch or dinner – there you go the right messages directly on your smartphone. Take a look at a fragment or read through our inspiring mini-podcast “Kurze Auszeit”. If you want to leave a WhatsApp channel, please log in here: ZDFheute-WhatsApp-channel.

By Sheisoe

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