Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

Junge AfD-Wähler: Was the other party verschlafen haben

Junge AfD-Wähler: Was the other party verschlafen haben

Is the AfD a party of Scheinriesen?

According to its history, the AfD in the broadcast area of ​​the MDR is essentially a People’s Party. While the Mitgliederzahlen said it would go this way, the AfD in the Grünen in Saxony-Anhalt would give a hint about how it would go. The AfD national association was active in the Grens van 2,000 South Africa for years.

Niklas Gerlach from the Jusos-Sachsen-Anhalt has followed the Entwicklung all his life, among whom the Mitgliedschaft von young Leuten said: “The AfD remains with the Mitgliedern in Bezug auf junior Menschen extremely bad that. That is sieht bei the other Parteien deutlich bettersser aus.” Tatsächlich gibt de AfD-Jugendorganisation Junge Alternative bundesweit nur 2,500 Mitglieder an. Man, that is not the case in Saxony-Anhalt that a mass organization acts.

There is an alternative to the Junge alternative in Saxony-Anhalt through the Verfassungsschutz, but Niklas Gerlach’s vision does not come to another problem. “If young people are having trouble, then they must recognize their own interests and die in the parties.” It seems that the AfD is not in the fall.

Was tons?

Auch in the other Landtags can no longer cause problems for the young generation. It’s a matter of Konstantin Pott of the Liberal Youth one. If it is the case that there are new debts, then it would not be the case that they would be fragmented, we would have these letztendlich zu bezahlen habe. The plädiert is dafür, in the Auseinandersetzung with the AfD it is not possible to act in the alarm mode: “Man muss nicht über jede Provokation spring. Man muss auch nicht selber um jeden Preis immer wieder provozieren in the political debate.” Take into account a more oriented discussion.

JU-Landschefin Anna Kraye sees no other problem, but with a look at the following Wahlkämpfe: “The unrealistic erwartungen is a catalyst for the political verdrossenheit. Deshalb is worth gold, even if the political cross-border trade is German by machen and sich zu trauen , and self-responsibility is a matter of appeal.”

From the Left Party to the CDU there is no recognition in the Youth Organisations. Since last year’s visit to Saxony-Anhalt, we have been there for a long time. A big advantage is that the Grund can last longer than ever before, because the Wahlerfolg of the AfD by young Wählern dominates over time.

By Sheisoe

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