Sun. Oct 20th, 2024

CDU-Vorstand in Saxony stimulates the Sondierung with BSW and SPD | Politics

CDU-Vorstand in Saxony stimulates the Sondierung with BSW and SPD | Politics

The Saxon CDU will have a joint management with the Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) son animals. The national institutions of the Union encourage a venture of the CDU-Verhandlingsgroep, teilte de Partei mit.

Sachsen’s CDU chief Michael Kretschmer (49) sees the Union as the strongest force in the Landtagswahl de Auftrag zur Regierungsbildung erhalten. “Wir wollen moreverantwortung für de Freistaat tragen und den Bürgerinnen und Bürgern serve. Dazu braucht is een stable Regierungsmehrheit“, erklärte Kretschmer.

It is said: ‘We will find the way in a coalition that will happen now, if the surrender of the country will happen, then the country will do it. Compromises were not primarily intended, but it would not even become a political discussion.”

Zunächst hatte es fierce Brederstand gegen die Entscheidung gegeben!

In a short offensive (BILD in favor), a new union police would have chosen a coalition with the BSW categories, through the statistics, a CDU-Minderheitsregierung “gemäß de Regularien der sächsische Verfassung” of the Bilden.

Warnt for Bundnissen with Wagenknecht: Ex-Bürgerrechtler and CDU-Grande Arnold Vaatz

Auch er warnt voor Bündnissen mit Wagenknecht: Ex-Bürgerrechtler en CDU-Grande Arnold Vaatz

Photo: photo alliance / dpa

The Unterzeichner heard zum großen Teil zu jenen Bürgerrechtlern and späteren CDU-Policekern, de großen Anteil an der Friedlichen Revolution in Sachsen hatten.

Matthias Rößler (69), the frühere Unionsfractionsvize in the Bundestag, Arnold Vaatz (69), Dresden’s longjähriger Oberbürgermeister Herbert Wagner (76) and also the frühere CDU-Fraktionschef in Landtag, Frank Kupfer (62).

While Schreiben bezeichnet the Autoren Wagenknecht head-on and during the Friedliche Revolution of 1989 as “Konterrevolution”, Mauer and Stacheldraht twisted their lives. Sahra Wagenknecht vertete Positionen von Ulbricht, Lenin and Stalin. It was written in the 1990s.

“CDU wants to give the SED’s concrete flügel a helping hand”

What it means is in these offenen Short: „Auch wenn sie (Wagenknecht, d. Ed.) these Positions in the last time I don’t know anything, so is the mind still alive. With the ‘Bündnis Sahra Wagenknecht’ and a neobolic scientist as Galion’s figure, the CDU seems to have the Betonflügel of the new SED.’

The program of the Wagenknecht Party is an “Anschlag on Western integration and the social market economy and damning the political foundation of the Federal Republic of Germany.”

Michael Kretschmer and Arnold Vaatz are united together in the Bundestag. The Verhältnis gilded inzwischen as taxed

Michael Kretschmer and Arnold Vaatz are united together in the Bundestag. The Verhältnis gilded inzwischen as taxed

Photo: photo alliance/dpa/dpa-Zentralbild

There has been a brief attack on the struggle against the Landesvorstandssitzung der Sachsen-CDU in the spare time. While you agree on the issue of successful debate with the BSW.

Spannungen im Vorstand – Hartmann rettet Kretschmer

When CDU-Country Chief Kretschmer for war investigations, the more massive considerations will arise, heißt es. Darunter Matthias Rößler (69), Home Speaker Sven Eppinger (55) and Bundestagsabgeordnete Jens Lehmann (56). Before all Rößler and Eppinger got a minority government of the CDU power.

It is the eingreifen of the Landtagsfactionschef Christian Hartmann (50) who is grateful for his credit in an outright Fire Speech speech and the immunity threat. It is true that first you have a very bad experience with your children. It is then a matter of a coalition with the BSW, which is no longer used.

Der Vorstand stimulates schließlich with 16 zu zwei Stimmen für Sondierungen, bij een Enthaltung.

By Sheisoe

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