Sat. Oct 19th, 2024

Staatspreis: TU-Wien-Projekt wins Sonderpreis für Klimawandelanpassung

Staatspreis: TU-Wien-Projekt wins Sonderpreis für Klimawandelanpassung

The “Opush” project can be expanded in the Special Category “Forschung” of the Austrian State Awards for Climate Walking Passage. These end up at one of the TU Wien and the Environmental NGO and understand vulnerable people groups in their Wohnumfeld.

WIEN. On October 16, the Österreichische Staatspreis für Klimawandelanpassung, “CliA” was released in the Museum Quarter. The prize you deserve is a project in the construction of a climbing walking project.

In the “Forschung” category, the project “Opush – Citizen Science Pilot Urban Heat Stories” was carried out. This is a future laboratory of the TU Wien Architektur and Raumplanung, put together with the TU Wien Bibliothek and the Umwelt-NGO in Leben gerufen.

Social dimension

The “Opush” project is so vulnerable that the heat-sensitive groups can work in their field and see these people as solutions in the project. View the city area inner favorites and the seasonal season in the year 2023.

Here seniors and seniors from 70 years of age experience an assortment of a fun card party and experience personal circumstances in temperature fluctuations. Make sure you maintain the temperature of the temperature with a mobile device. These messages can be sent in Echtzeit in an app on a smartphone.

The mobile messages can be sent with smartphones and load the temperature into the program in real time. | Photo: TU Wien/Pia Spiekermann

“So we know more about the usefulness and benefits of especially vulnerable persons”, explains Christian Peer of the TU Wien. The values ​​for environmental management of climate change in open space. The Ergebnisse Wurden der Stadt Wien zur Verfügung gestellt en konnten direkt in de Planung des “Supergrätzels Favoriten” eeninfließen, heißt es on der Seite des Staatspreises.

City is not affected

Laut der Umwelt-NGO seien urbane Ballungsräume besonderen von zunehmender Hitze affected. Viele Flächen seien versgelt, Gebäude speichern Warm en würden diese night abstract en voor kühlende Luftzirkulation fehle oft der Raum. Hitze-Extreme würden des Weiteren often bring a sister taxation with Feinstaub with themselves.

Take into account sensible interest groups that put people, säuglinge, children with a higher life situation at greater risk. It is important that the beds of these groups of people are integrated into the city tentwicklung.

In narrow cities the Hitze will not fall on the people, i.e. the Forschungsgruppe. | Photo: TU Wien/Pia Spiekermann

On, the climate walk for the city and the community as a side of climate politics increased. Es sei das Ziel von, “die Partizipation der Bevölkerung zu fördern, vulnerability Groups visible and handlungsfähig zu machen”, so Silvio Heinze, Geschäftsführer von

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