Fri. Oct 18th, 2024

Rehlko unterstützt Data4 for reporting

Rehlko unterstützt Data4 for reporting

Umweltpass for Generators
Kohlenstoffreduzierung: Rehlko unterstützt Data4 for reporting

Offer for Theme

Rehlko übermittelt Daten über die Umweltauswirkungen seiner unternehmenskritische Generators und Data4, um den CO2-Fußabdruck in Rechenzentren bis 2030 um 38 Prozent zu reduzieren.

The device is located in a Data4 Research Center. Das Unternehmen will become more nightly. Rehlko has examined the Scope3 reporting with Energie-Ausweisen. (Image: Data4)
The device is located in a Data4 Research Center. Das Unternehmen will become more nightly. Rehlko has examined the Scope3 reporting with Energie-Ausweisen.

(Image: Data4)

Rehlko, ehemals Kohler (siehe: Kasten), unterstützt den Rechenzentrumsbetreiber Data4 in signals Bemühungen, den CO2-Fußabdruck seiner Rechenzentren bis 2030 deutlich zu reduzieren. Dafür hat Rehlko nun Daten über die Umweltauswirkungen seiner Generatoren zur Verfügung gestellt. Damit can take Data4 fundamental Entscheidungen über kohlenstofarme Strategieen.

About the Data4 Group

Data4 is a European company and investor in the ratings market. There are financing, business, construction and business activities for your own rights for hosting dating.

The Data4 Group deploys one of the largest research centers in Europe, the über Grundstücks and Power Reserves verügen, which after Unternehmensangaben on the European market with 200 Hektar and 850 Megawatt Land and Power Reserves “sinzigartig”. The Data4 research in France, Italy, Spain, Poland, Germany and Greece offers international cloud services and major telecommunication services to tech companies and multinational corporations.

It is no longer possible to do that: Rehlko has more than 45 “KD” Series Generators a Data4 Standorten installed in Paris, Madrid and Frankfurt. Jedes Gerät, das mit nachhaltigem hydriertem Pflanzenöl (HVO) berieben wird, loveert at Bedarf Notstrom.

The data you use captures the data as part of the initial review of a flowchart in non-critical markers in PEP headasses vor forms. There is an overview of the results of the Stromerzeugern at the gesamten Lebenszyklus, with detailed data on Rohstoffgewinnung, Herstellung, Vertrieb, Installation, Nutzung and Ende der Lebensdauer. The environmental clearance is then one of the unsuitable instructions, a comfort and safety immunity with the ISO 14025:2006, an environmental clearance of Types III, secured.

CO2-Fußabdruck soll um 38 Prozent schrumpfen

Data4 has settled in CO2-Fußabdruck pro Megawatt blessing Rechenzentrumskapazität zwischen 2021 und 2030 om 38 Prozent zu reduzieren. Over the years, a man has had a reduction of 13 Prozent messenger-können.

If your long-term vision is for the world to have full-fledged transparency, the carbon fausstoß in the system cluster and the device is oriented in your own direction. If the specifications of the data4 are displayed when carrying out projects in the field of a product declaration for all important devices, einschließliche generators want.

Linda Lescuyer, Innovation Leader at the Data4 Group, says: “Rehlko is a Vorreiter in Saxony Nachhaltigkeit and has the first zertifizierte Umweltdeclaration for a Stromaggregat in onternehmenskritische marktveröffentlicht.” The PEP-Ecopassport offers detailed product usage information about generators of the K D-Series. “This art of the offensive and the transparency of love offers us the opportunity to carry out activities and provide assistance, our aftercare is possible”, because it is true that it is “from a separated bed” to Wertschöpfungskette der Zulieferer einzubeziehen.

Kohler Energy Wird Rehlko

Kohler Energy is 17 years old. September officially marks one year since the new company name Rehlko (twig: RELL-koh) started working. It is one of the largest Meilenstein in the course of the 100 years that the Unternehmens has gone through. Please note that it is not possible to use any other part.

The new name of the Unternehmens leitet sich von den sechs Buchstaben “Kohler” ab en zoll Zuverlässigkeit, Entschlossenheit, Neuerfindung and Widerstandsfähigkeit broader mirrors. Der Hauptsitz is located in Wisconsin. Aber das Unternehmen is more than 100 locations in North and South America, Asia, Europe, the Far East and Africa.

The world became its own company in May 2024, as Platinum Equity withheld a transaction with the Kohler Company, a damaging Kohler Energy as its own standard in growth. Platinum Equity is the stock ownership of Rehlko. Kohler Company has established an investment partner.

Rehlko uses a number of flows and energy products, including in the production of electricity, energy supply and new energies. We have developed an online portfolio of Darunter Power Systems, Engines, Uninterruptible Power Supply, Home Energy, Clarke Energy, Curtis Instruments and Heila Technologies. Kohler Power Systems and Kohler Engines have launched the Markenumstellung des Unternehmensportfolios, which is officially launched under the Marke Rehlko until the end of 2024.


By Sheisoe

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