Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Regierungsbefragung: Baerbock lehnt Schließung von iranischem Konsulat in Frankfurt ab

Regierungsbefragung: Baerbock lehnt Schließung von iranischem Konsulat in Frankfurt ab

Außenministerin Annalena Baerbock (Grüne) hat Forderungen from the Union zur Schließung des Iranian Generalkonsulats in Frankfurt zurückgewiesen. “If we were to die, the Iranians would die in Tehran,” says Baerbock at a government hearing in the Bundestag. “That was counterproductive.” If it is Germany that is consulted in the Länder, it would be wise to make a judicial decision. The Iranian consulate in Iran was “one of the great cases in Iran”, like Baerbock. For the people of Iran he dies “fatally”.

Prime Minister Boris Rhein (CDU) of Hesse welcomed Baerbock in a short letter to the Iranian Konsulats in Frankfurt. There is talk of an attempt at the German Schutzzusage for Israel and the Unterstützung des Iranians for Terrorgruppen with Hamas and Hisbollah in Nahen Osten.

Baerbock says he is from Frage, while Iran hints at its fear of Israel. Germany has seen the Hamas raid on Israel on October 7, “that Iran is still isolated”. You can tell other people about the young EU sanctions that have hit the state-owned Iranian Fluggesellschaft Iran Air.

Baerbock has initiated the fragmentation by the Abgeordneten of the German Solidarität organization for Israel as the Palestinian Palestinian Zivilbevölkerung. The Prime Minister says he is in this situation if he is a democratic party Bundestag in Diesem Zusammenhang Zusammenstünden.

This article is still current.

By Sheisoe

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