Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Check out the new China-Shop-Masche on social media | – Ratgeber

Check out the new China-Shop-Masche on social media | – Ratgeber

Status: October 14, 2024 3:48 PM

The Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg warns against dubious online stores in China that work with emotional Botschaften on Facebook or Instagram. Verbraucher sollten Anbieter immer genau prüfen.

Chinese stores are expanding on social media platforms, the emotional charge is increasing. Once you have a small family, you can keep your family clean and eat a “letzten Ausverkauf” large amount of food. The Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg has a fall, in the Verbraucherinnen and Verbraucher on this Masche fell here.

Fundene Familiengeschichten sollen zu Kaufleiten

“Seit über 35 JAHREN Krreieren wir mit fell Herzblut wunderschöne taschen” or “Vor 15 Jahren Gründeten Mein Mann und Ih Dieses Unternhmen”: zu vermitteln, das Product von higher Qualität purchased. “These personal data come from the Vertrauen, and you have some refined Täuschungsmanövers, uninvested Käufen zu Verleiten,” explains Julia Rehberg from the Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg.

Emotional forms with “Mit schwerem Herzen …” or “Wir haben unsere Träume geopfert …” suggest, that the job will be after a year of work with the largest online shops and costs incurred.

Deutsche Stadt and Surnames were changed

A local retail chain uses its stores with German city names and family names such as “Boutiq Berlin”, “Imperio Hamburg”, “Matthäus Modehaus” or “Schneider Düsseldorf”. “Connections to a German URL address are wollen that relate to the pages of the Anschein, which acts as an unternehmen in Germany,” said Rehberg.

Products with excellent quality and complete packaging

When we are in Sitz, everything is unclear. Often the old-fashioned products of good quality and heredity are not of the quality of the product. If you complicate the costs and if all goes well, the products will, as a rule, be exported at your own expense after Chinese delivery. You can contact the Unternehmen.

So man can protect himself

The Verbraucherzentrale rät, Folgendes zu beachten, damit man nicht in die Verkaufsfalle tappt:

  • There are no emotional social media analyzes that last a short time. Grundsätzlich gilded: Ever the customer überprüfen, bevor man orderst.
  • Auch bei Shops met vermeintlich deutschem Namen und de-Domain stets das imprint anyway die Allgemeinen Geschäftsbedingungen (AGB) prüfen. The old addresses are available from online mapping services.
  • If the contacts between stores are no longer clear or there are uncertainties, the man from a Kauf is absent.

Verbraucherzentrale führt Liste dubioser China-Shops

The Verbraucherzentrale Hamburg has an internet page List more sensible Shops with Sitz in Asia available, which were reported by Verbraucherinnen and Verbrauchern.

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