Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

WWF Living Planet Report: Dramatic Rückgang von Wildtierbeständen weltweit

WWF Living Planet Report: Dramatic Rückgang von Wildtierbeständen weltweit

© WWF Franko Petri / Flussdelfine
© WWF Franko Petri / Flussdelfine

Wildlife since 1970 a rapid three Viertel geschrumpft – Naturzerstörung als Ursache – WWF breaks through the global Naturschutz offensive

© Jiri Pohal-WWF-Seeadlerjunges
© Jiri Pohal-WWF-Seeadlerjunges

© Dwi Rizki Tirtasujana on Pixabay / Gorilla
© Dwi Rizki Tirtasujana on Pixabay / Gorilla

© NickyPe on Pixabay / Luchs
© NickyPe on Pixabay / Luchs

Wien – Die Bestände wildlebender Tierarten schrumpfen dramatically. The new “Living Planet Report” from the World Conservation Organization of the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) has been published since the global analysis of the best results of Saugetieren, Vögeln, Amphibians, Reptilians and Fish since 1970 to quickly breed four times. The WWF report is based on 35,000 analyzes of Wirbeltier populations on 5,500 Arten, the best results in Durchschnitt on 73 Prozent zurückgedingen since. “The rapid decline of the wild population is not an ecological disaster, even if there is an alarm signal for the dramatic consequences of our nature – and our living environment,” says Georg Scattolin, Head of International Programs at WWF Österreich. Due to the disruption and the health of Milliarden, a unit of the branches of Ökosystemen is hanging. “There are now wild animals that can perform their functions in nature. If you give a person a healthy life, Scattolin warned.

WWF advances global nature protection offensive

As the battle for the wildfire begins, WWF halts a global conservation offensive. The main reason for this dramatic development is the enormous nature. “Wir müssen Schutzgebiete weltweit ausweiten, the Zerstörung artenreicher Lebensräume stop and wir brauchen nature Schutzmaßnahmen for the Erhalt der Biodiversität,” asks WWF artenschutz expert Georg Scattolin. The use of natural substances is a way to ensure the high quality of the substances on the market, such as the processing of living space or the landwirtschaftlichen nutzflächen. “Unser Konsum verursachtweit die Abholzung tropicaler Regenwälder and Savannen, die Überfischung der Weltmeere and die Verschmutzung von Seen und Flüssen – das darf so nicht geitergehen,” said Georg Scattolin of WWF Österreich. Read more about the history of wildlife, diseases, invasive art and the growth of climacteric plants.

Wildtier-Rückgang in Flüssen is extremely dramatic

Moreover, the decline of the wild population is dramatic and a refugee crop. Fishing and other arts lead to Flussregulierungen, Kraftwerksbauten and Verschmutzung. So I’ve experienced a proliferation of 85 percent of experiences in the Living Planet Report. This catastrophic trend is visible in Austria: Derzeit sind more as 60 Prozent der heimischen Fischarten gefährdet and now more 14 Prozent der Flüsse ökologically intact. Look at the WWF with an opportunity: “That renaturation of air travel has greater potential for the art world and as a Schutz for the climax with high wasser,” said Georg Scattolin of WWF Österreich.

Beispiele hitter Arten

For the 15. Edition of the Living Planet Report, more wildlife would be available if you want to investigate this. Some of the works of art that have the best dramatic effects or that can be dezimierted are:

Flussdelfin: The population of the Amazonas-Rosa-Flussdelfine (or Boto genannt) as the smaller Tucuxi-Delfine in the Brazilian Mamirauá-Schutz area is becoming smaller and smaller. Both arts come from abroad and were hunted like fish meat. Staudämme and Wasserkraftwerke are performed in the Lebensräume der Tiere. If you encounter the Vergiftung von Flüssen with Quecksilber, this is the golden grip on the world. The first steps you can take are the discovery trend and the climbing wall you can use. In the year 2023, the extreme heat and duration was more than 330 Flussdelfine in the Amazon region.

Lachs: The Journey of the Chinook-Lachses 88 Prozent Swiss 1970 and 2022 is on the Verbauung der Wanderrouten by Dämme zurückzuführen, who could no longer pass the Tiere auf dem Weg to my Laichplätzen or now for a few small Couples. Run the fish under the warmer – they will reach the washing temperature.

African Waldelefant: Innerhalb of their years ist the Population of the African Waldelefanten in Minkébé-Nationalpark in Gabun a cattle 80 Prozent zurückgehouden. A profound retreat from the history of art, we will soon secrete half of all Waldelefanten Zentralafrikas in Gabun. The fault is that they are all the illegal Jagd nach Elfenbein.

Luchs: There are currently living in Austria with a maximum of 35 individuals in small, isolated existences, which could maintain a small stable population.

Activer Artenschutz works

Diese Arten geben Hoffnung:

Wisent: After the Aussterben dieser European Bison in the free Wildbahn in the year 1927 erholt sich der Bestand during Zuchtprogramma, Wiederansiedlungen and Umsiedlungen. The WWF contributed to the design of the Wiederansiedlung in the Caucasian Shahdag National Park. These young Europeans live happily in protected areas. Until the end of 2021, the file is approximately 10,000 years old.

Mountain gorilla: Mountain gorillas are among the strongest bedrohten Säugetieren der De. There are many mountain gorillas in the Virunga Mountains in the Border Region of the Swiss Congo, Rwanda and Uganda. The WWF started the weederbewaldung in 2007. The beige targen is one of the ways in which the maßnahmen in the Schutzgebieten and the most common Gemeinden are, the genaue surrender of a human gewöhnten Gorillagruppen and gezielte tierztliche Versorgung. The nunmehr beef 700 Mountain Gorillas are a merkswerter Erfolg.

Seeadler: Vor 25 Jahren galt Österreichs Wappentier hierzulande as ausgerottet. Mittlerweile is the Seeadler population that has stronger Schutzgesetze and a larger art protection mass on about 70 years ago.

Background to Living Planet Report

The Living Planet Report says about the health of the economy and the path to biodiversity. The study has been carried out by the WWF (World Wildlife Fund) since 1998. Since 2000 it appears every two years. The Campaign 15. The WWF Campaign started with the Zoological Society of London. Anhand der Auswertung von 35,000 Wirbeltier-Populations aus 5,495 Arten zegt der 15. Living Planet Index einen doorschnittlichen Rückgang der Bestände um 73 Prozent im Zeitraum von 1970 bis 2020 de über einen längeren Zeitraum wider – nicht die Anzahl der losen Einzeltiere.

The WWF Living Planet Report 2024 (English) can be downloaded HERE.

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More information: WWF Österreich

Article Online geschaltet von: / Doris Holler /

By Sheisoe

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