Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Annett Kaufmann: The new Tischtennis-Aushängeschild nach Boll

Annett Kaufmann: The new Tischtennis-Aushängeschild nach Boll

Would you like to follow the gala at Olympia for an EM medal? With Annett Kaufmann (18), German cuisine has acquired a new Aushängeschild.

Shined at the Olympic Games with a medal: Annett Kaufmann.

Shined at the Olympic Games with a medal: Annett Kaufmann.

Pregnancy appearance with the first in Paris with 43 years Abgetretenen Ikone Timo Boll of gar Hoffnungen auf een ähnlich prägende Ära weist die longst nicht einmal half so alte Annett Kaufmann überraschend eloquent and abgeklärt zurück. “I wouldn’t be so quick to speak Timo”, since 18 years before the 15th of October, Individual-EM begins in Austria in Linz, “Timo has had great success, and that has been so great since then. I will first continue with my life.” gehen – and if I am Ende, so gut dastehe wie er, dann kann man von mir aus ruhig sagen, dass ich die new Timo Boll war.”

A single perspective is the “real” Annett Kaufmann who had one of the best experiences. In the war of Eishockey-Profi and my mother I muttered an alpine Ski-Weltcupstarterin, and was born during the heutige Senkrechtstarterin 2006 in Wolfsburg in the “Sommermärchen” of Fußball-WM in Germany.

Die Zukunft des Deutschen Tischennis?

Zum Glück for the Deutschen Tischtennis-Bund (DTTB) and you will become familiar with your favorite journey on the Road and the Platte. Schnell war die ebenso quirlige wie trainingfleißige Linkshänderin ihren Alterklasses stets voraus: 2021 etwa became schon EM-Gold with the first 15 years with the U-21-Juniorinnen and continue for another year with the Erwachsenen-EM in Rumänien with Titelgewin der DTTB- Damen ihr Debüt in der Nationalmannschaft. “Annett”, the fast national trainer of Tamara Boros, has got the greatest talent working with “Kükens”, “Annett is the Zukunft.”

It’s a miracle.

Nationalmannschafts-Kollegin Xiaona Shan über Kaufmann

These problems have begun – in the Gegenwart Kaufmann puts a constant rasanten Aufstieg hin. The National Mannschaftskollegin Xiaona Shan was planning to celebrate the anniversary of the Olympia Gala with the Blondschopfes nur mit dem Griff ins entsprechend hohe Regal zu helfen. “It’s a wonder,” said the Vize-Europe master in the Anbetracht dessen, from the Teenager in Paris, a Top 10-Player that featured four Kontrahentinen from the Circle of the best 20 to 40 incantations.

Für Kaufmann is all about independence and gelassenheid nur eines: self-intelligence. “That is my art. I am self-conscious about the subject and think about it: evenly, we were strong – I can, I was able. If I feel anxious in my own game, I can handle it directly with my hands. .”

Tischtennisplayerin Annett Kaufmann in Aktion

“Die Zukunft” of German tennis? Annet Kaufmann.

Kaufmann’s Year 2024? “More than truly not”

Hands are shaken with the new Hoffnungsträgerin all in this Year proudly rich – in all Rules of Gratulanten. First file Kaufmann das Abitur mit einer guten 2.0, gewann kurz danach bei der Deutschen Meisterschaft in Erfurt gleich in Einzel und Doppel ihre first Titel bij de “Großen”, rückte zunächst als Ersatz in Olympia-Team, kam dann in Paris – alldings by the Verletzungsspech of Mitspielerinnen – their premiere at Summer Games and now the opportunity is requested by a constant famous Leistung. “More went bisher eigentlich nicht”, meint der Shootingstar himself will be bisherigen Verlauf des Jahres 2024.

Dabei will Kaufmann, who, with all the trimmings in German cuisine, has not seen a single Glamor Girl, but this is the first idiosyncratic right approach. “The fact that Abi was important, but only because of the elimination of my debt do I now see myself as a professional,” said the clear family man of a phase of the young country that was disappearing.

Klares Soul for the EM – and a Plan B

Souls exist richly. At the new Klub SV-DJK Kolbermoor, Kaufmann will play in the Bundesliga zur Rückkehr on the Meisterthron, after being the best at EM in the Leistungen of Paris. In Olympia-Eindrücken, a solo medal was no longer a wonderful sensation – and one of the favorites Ziele.

I experienced a wonderful journey that Annett Kaufmann experienced with one of his experiences. So the series junkie came up with a plan B: “If you don’t play tennis, you should study Kriminalistik.”

By Sheisoe

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