Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

For 40 Years: Cologne Green come in the Kommunalpolitik an

For 40 Years: Cologne Green come in the Kommunalpolitik an

For 40 Years: Cologne Green come in the Kommunalpolitik an
Das Symbolfoto says Sonnenblumen

Cologne | The Grünen come from the Gesellschaft, otherwise as the Bundes Sahra Wagenknecht heute, an Abspaltung inner war is a part of the war. The first Greens died in the Kölner Rat 40 years ago.

The Greens come from the internal movement of the Gesellschaft entstanden. It began to take years for my own gründung. Since the 1960s, greater parliamentary opposition has emerged. Daraus entwickelten sich Bewegungen mit Soulen innerhalb eines Themenkorridors. The Umweltbewegung, the Friedensbewegung, the Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung or the Frauenbewegung. With the Zusammenschluss of both German States, Bundnis 90 combined with the Civil Rights Movement of the GDR-hinzu. When the Greens held their own, there was a radical protest party in the 1970s. This is the time of day and alternatively listen. After the announcement of the Club of Rome in the year 1972, people would have become clearer about the early years of industrial policy. The war that Europawahl 1979 waged in its early days was a Wahlbündnis „Sonstige Politische Vereinigungen Die Grünen“ antrat. The political ties are immense. In January 1980, the Grünen became official. How to start with your ÖDP ab. At the first Bundestagwahl and the Grünen in 1980 there were 1.5 Prozent der Stimmen. The enttäuschte fell into the Grüne, the more it was experienced, in 1979 it became a grüne List in the Bremen Landesparlament saß.

1983, the Greens joined the 5 Prozent-Hürde at the newly formed Neuwahlen zum Deutschen Bundestag. Eight Landesparlamente follows. Nur in North Rhine-Westphalia, Schleswig-Holstein and in Saarland, the Greens first entered the Landesparlamente in the 1990s. There are many successes in NRW and Schleswig-Holstein. Green production, offered on a democratic basis and allowing a rotation principle, is a fact. Gaben die Grünen auf. Another Prinzip nicht: Die Trennung von Amt und Mandat. Abgeordnete and minister will not be part of the struggle, who dies to the CDU or the CSU gang and goes to work. So that’s bis heute auch in Cologne. The Kommunalpolitiker: the Greens in the Stadtrat have not had a Party mandate.

1984 in the Kölner Rat

On September 30, 1984 it was the Kommunalwahl, the Kölner Grünen zum first Mal in the Kölner Stadttrat ein. 10.8 steps of the stimming were made and 10 places were lost. The FDP abolished damals in the Einzug nicht. The SPD won in 1984 with 46.4 stärkste Kraft ahead of the CDU with 37.8 Prozent der Stimmen. The SPD has 45th place and the CDU 36th. During the year 2020, the Greens in Cologne are always the strongest Kraft. At the Wahl 2020, the Greens are generally SPD, with CDU, both 19 Sitze and the Greens 26 Sitze erhielten. 1979 traten die heutigen Kölner Grünen als Die Kölner Alternative an mit der sie 4 Prozent erreichten. There were wild times in Cologne: Der wilde Streik at Ford in 1973, the Biermann Concert in the Sporthalle and the Anfang of the 1980s, the Besetzung des Stollwerck. That’s it, we’re in the Bürgerhaus in the Kölner Südstadt. Occupy Häuser and Cologne power in the left-alternatives Szene bundesweit Schlagzeilen.

Nehmen wir die Besetzung der Stollwerck-Schokoladenfabrik. Stollwerck had been producing chocolate in the Kölner Südstadt for more than 100 years. 1975 during the Komplex delivery. A communal political auseinandersetzung follows in the Neugestaltung der Südstadt. The installation of the factory complexes began on May 20, 1980. 49 Days spent more than 600 Besetzer:innen die Häuser. This gold-plated Besetzung is the largest Besetzung in Cologne, but when the Besetzungen in the Barmer Viertel follow. Am 6. July 1980 the Besetzung ended. There are links that unite alternative arts, which are located in the “Autonomen Kulturzentrum Stollwerck”. Part of the Gelände War continues in the Circus Roncalli.

If the Greens in the Rat are one of the holes in Cologne, the initiative is taken by the Nippeser Baggerwehr, the Cologne Committee against the Isolation Shaft, the Chilean Solidarity or the Socialist Selbsthilfe. Besides these committed citizens’ initiatives and Cologne Citizens, they are not welcome in Cologne: The „Baui“-Friedenspark, the NS-Dokumentationszentrum im ELDE-Haus das der Rat 1979 beschloss, die Bürgerzentren, die Alte Feuerwehr, alles das gabe es ohne die Kölner Alternativszene nicht. Not everything is the green area that is in that context, before you cannot select the green ground of the first stunden from that initiative.

We were those Greens in the Cologne Rat 1984

They were Jörg Frank, Barbara Moritz, Anne Lütkes, Alexandra Landsberg, Ralf Fücks, Dieter Göbel and Manfred Waddey. In the first meeting, the Cologne Greens are described as the names of “Fregatte Köln” as well. Am 30. October 1984 war preparedness of the Kölnpass auf der Tagesordnung. It started with the grünen in the self-defense of the fundamental opposition and the spread of the initiative in the city. Man does not identify with the city. Never again with the classic Karneval. It is always the case that the Greens themselves participate in the Prinzenproklamatie and another Green function in a Tradition Corps.

Report-K reports about the festivities of 30 years of Kölner Green in the Rat. You can find the article here:

Do you not know the Greens, which in this year 40 years of Kölner Green in the City, nor the Fehlfarben Hit “Keine Atempause, Geschichte wird gemacht, es geht voran”? During the 30th anniversary, neither the first concerts in the Cologne Rat were performed, which were similar to the Song. If you find the green, most robust kraft in Cologne, you will not find a single Urgesteine ​​​​in the Kölner Rat anymore.

By Sheisoe

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