Thu. Oct 17th, 2024

Thomas Gottschalk wrote his Grapsch commentary for the debate

Thomas Gottschalk wrote his Grapsch commentary for the debate

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«Dienstliches Anfassen»Thomas Gottschalk lost with Grapsch-Commentar Debatte aus

In an interview, Thomas Gottschalk opined that his TV robberies meant that women were “purely servile”. I would like to argue while my war becomes a war.

Leonie ProjerLynn Sachs
  • Thomas Gottschalk wrote an interview with a “mirror” for a controversy.

  • I think it’s good, that’s in the blessing. Show Frauen beruhrte, ohne ihren Consent.

  • If you are honest, hate is being spread online, aber auch Zuspruch.

  • Laut, a sociologist, asked Gottschalk in an interview whether the discussions can reflect from one way to another, no matter how good the standards are.

Thomas Gottschalk (74) has written a “mirror” interview that caused a stir with his own copy. Während der Moderator von einigen was labeled as sexist, supporten ihn other in seinem Verhalten gegenüber Frauen.

“I did a disservice to a woman on television” – before all the talkmasters had received their criticism. The field where the interviewer is spoken to in different ways is that the woman on TV has a fast connection. Thomas has joined a second trap: the Spice Girls and Steffi Graf. Ersteren has expressed a “little sexual interest”, so your right is justified.

Spice Girl Emma Bunton is famous

Gottschalk meint, seine beruhrungen seien vergleichbar with a schauspieler, der im Film jemanden jijst, weil es in Drehbuch steht. «The girl is not on the attack. “I was proud of the fact that these people were happy, but I knew that things were politically incorrect since they were not so bad,” one said.

On Tiktok-kursieren Clips from Spice-Girl-Interview from the year 1997. Thomas engraved Emma Bunton with the waist and the mind, she has verprochen her, her free time to lead her tragedy. The British are very unpleasant. If you watch Griff, you’ll find out.

There is an Ausschnitt of the Steffi-Graf-Interviews with the power over the Runden. It is less important that the Hosen rider and his partner massage his knee. The tennis player who came to the Forderung, Thomas was the most brilliant.

«Bergriffig» or «another Zeit»?

If he continues, while the Aussage, which is Gottschalk, it may take even longer before it is a woman. «Was me, wenn sie im zweiten Stock rausrennt and ruft: ‹#MeToo, der hat mich angefasst!›?»

The «Spiegel» interview will take place on social media for next time. «Other Zeit, other Sitten. We cannot say that we are looking for” or “Damal’s works are not considered sexist or anstössig by anyone. It’s normal to eat. For the large amount of purchased generation unvorstellbar, a comment was made on the representations made by Thomas.

The sheer volume is greater than the moderators’ opinions. “It’s a mountain riff and nothing. There are people who deal with their hands and those people – especially other men – do not know, when the time point is approached, when they see the coin and go out into the world, so there are two critical comments.

«Spricht een eeninigen in der Seele, aber ist zu ninig relektiert»

Laut der sociologist Katja Rost explains Thomas Gottschalk in an interview with some discussions that are lost. Once it happens, once it happens, make sure others are the moderators as well. ‘There was one thing, it was an incomprehensible twist. Insofern spricht is one of the Seele.» Zum Elevator-Commentar meint de Soziologin, dass in der Tat eenige wisschaftliche Untersuchungen zigten, die die dem Aufkommen der MeToo-Bewegung eeninige Manner Kooperationen met Frauen schuten, een nicht vorverurteilt zu zijn. “The men are unskilled, the standards are no longer so good.”

Dennoch: Gottschalk reflects in an interview that appears to be about the sale of the company. “It is often not the case that the Leute, that walking, is the social environment. And if you generalize it, all that is is war, but man is afraid that it is otherwise.» So see social norms from now on and never again vergleichbar. “Was the end of the war between men and women through the possible war and the strengthening of power can have the positive effect of protecting women with her.”

Shirin David could frontiert Gottschalk

It is not the first time that Gottschalk has been absent from Sexismus-Vorwürfe. Shirin David (29) loses his life at «Wetten, dass..?» a Welle and criticism for the moderator aus. See the past November Platz on the Kult-Sofa. I think the ex-youtube news does not exist, but it is an operative and feminine way.

«Warum denniet? Weil ich gut aussehe?», I quickly replied. And: “You are not a Feminist?” he phrased directly. Thomas concrete daraufhin, of course feminist in nature. “If feminists can be good-natured, clever and eloquent and wonderful,” die Sängerin meinte.

Shirin teilte weiter aus. “You have learned a lot, the influencer is not left on the couch. When I say this, I love it here, so the Hamburger, the lifestyle videos on social media are available. Thomas explains himself: «Nein, Moment. I am an Influencer without any understanding.» It’s not that it doesn’t work anymore, so in the 73rd century.

Auf Tiktok went viral. In the comments, Shirin would also respond to Thomas for his Ehrlichkeit. “The war is so unpleasant, aber gut, dass Shirin in frontiert hat”, meinte ein user. «Gottschalk war wieder genial ehrlich», in another.

Is it one of the things you know, of sexualization, of more, mental or other problems?

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By Sheisoe

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