Sun. Oct 13th, 2024

DC’s Green Lantern Civil Corps Special revives a beloved lantern

DC’s Green Lantern Civil Corps Special revives a beloved lantern

DC teased big things with its Green Lantern Civil Corps Special, and it certainly delivered, bringing together the disparate threads of Green Lantern, Green Lantern: War Journal, and Guy Gardner’s backup stories in Superman. There are some big fights throughout the issue, but one of the most surprising throwdowns actually happens right at the beginning, when John Stewart faces a yellow lantern. That Lantern turns out to be the dead Lantern Kilowog, which makes the situation even more intriguing, and while we don’t find out how he was drawn back to the land of the living, we do find out why he took over the land of the living. a yellow ring.

Out of nowhere

John Stewart and Ellie are thrown into survival mode when Stewart encounters a mysterious figure in the sky. He is shot and quickly falls from the sky, with Ellie making the save, but she soon encounters their attacker, who turns out to be a Kilowog wielding a Yellow Power Ring. Stewart tries to reason with Kilowog, but the powerhouse Lantern doesn’t have many words and just tells Stewart to give him something.

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Stewart can’t figure out what he wants, and then Kilowog takes the Darkstar Ring from Stewart’s hand before unleashing a powerful explosion that knocks Stewart unconscious. The next time we see Stewart is 12 hours later when he reunites with Hal Jordan, Guy Gardner and Shepherd. All of this comes as a shock to everyone, as Kilowog was supposedly killed in a previous battle against the Fear Corps, so how he became part of the corps that killed him remains a great mystery.

A great discovery

While we don’t know for sure how Kilowog is back among the living, we find out throughout the issue how he became a Yellow Lantern. Stewart theorizes that Kilowog was possessed by the yellow spectrum, which would explain why he wasn’t his normal self, and Hal essentially confirms this by telling the group how Lord Premiere Thaaros removed all the central power batteries he could find and devise. devising a way to manipulate the spectrum and then push people into different emotional states, essentially creating a kind of mind control.

The Lanterns confront Thaaros and have a huge battle now that he wields the Darkstar ring, and he eventually falls. That’s when some mysterious former allies circle the presumed dead dictator and provide some more insight into how Thaaros managed to control the spectrum.

Those who have been following Green Lantern may remember that Thaaros captured Keli Quintela at one point. Keli is an 11-year-old Lantern who has tapped into a special gauntlet capable of harnessing the power of the emotional spectrum, much like she follows Lanterns, albeit in some different ways. She was captured by the army of Thaaros and this matter confirms that experiments were conducted on her at that time. This group reveals that these experiments led to Thaaros discovering how to move others to different parts of the emotional spectrum, and now they can claim that technology.

That also explains how he was able to turn Mogo from a Green Lantern into a Red Lantern, and Red Mogo is seen rushing towards the planet as Thaaros’ last attempt to repay his defeat. So now we know how Kilowog is a Yellow Lantern, and how Mogo is now a Red Lantern. What we don’t know is how Kilowog came back to life in the first place, but hopefully that will be revealed soon.

What did you think of the revelations in Green Lantern Civil Corps Special #1? You can talk comics and DC with me on Threads and Twitter @mattaguilarcb!

By Sheisoe

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