Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Prinz Harry: Stehlen Smartphones young people who are children?

Prinz Harry: Stehlen Smartphones young people who are children?

Prinz Harry focuses on smartphones, social media and the flow that have created on young people’s mental health. “In some cases the smartphone has become young, so the Royal.

Prinz Harry (40) has reached his age for maximum health. Zur Arbeit der gemeinsamen Archewell Foundation von ihm en blessing Ehefrau, Duchess Meghan (43), go to projects, which are an online welt wollen. On the Archewell homepage it is stated that the man has purchased “the first Unterstützungsnetz seiner Art für Eltern”, his children or Family von online verursachtem Leid affected since.

“Sehr einfach, with the finger on the other side”

“In fell Fällen stiehlt das Smartphone young People die Kindheit,” said the Prinz in one of the things Zeitschrift “Fortune” gets a video in which Harry waits with psychology professor and author Jonathan Haidt (60). Dieser is there Postcardthat Eltern is his child in the real world, is online and beschützen: “And they both write and fehler. They are bad for the Entwicklung.” Deswegen are “Fortune” who appeared at a different time and who used social media apps up to 16 years. Lebensjahr zu erlauben or für Schoolsa pine Smartphones forbidden sin. Gleichzeitig wolle is aber auch mehr Unabhangigkeit für Kinder and many more unbeautiful feature films.

Harry discussed the responsibility of social media platforms. Für Unternehmen aus diesem Bereich is a signaller Auffassung after all, with the finger on the other side they say and say: ‘Nun, that’s an euch. That’s a new experience.'”

Haidt can reject the argument, if it is now another woman, the problem is big and most people are focused on making words: “Aber sobald Kinder ein Telephone and social media, the rest of the time Family life zu einem Kampf um die Bildschirmzeit. “Das passionre überall – auch in Gegenden wie dem Tech-Standort Silicon Valley. Der Main groundWe would love to have happy children Smartphones geben, sei Haidt nach, “weil es all others get haben”. Man wolle nicht, that’s his own child.

Was it the Security aspect?

Prince Harry passed the work with Archewell with Eltern spoken and teils geschütternde Stories hear, from the others See the messages Eltern of Konflikten with Children, wenn si Smartphones banished. Other choices in a child’s life in a safe way in the early years Smartphones geben.

It’s lukewarm Prince Harry “ein zwischneidiges Schwert”: “See wollen, that’s it Handy in der School once it happens, it’s not easy. Aber sobald sie wie jedes Kind ihr Handy Once you have recovered, if you have not loaded that app anymore, you will find a way for the child to die.” Smartphone see moss. “Wenn Sie Ihrem Kind ein Telephone geben wollen, damit es Sie anrufen kann, wenn etwas siefgeht, ist das großartig”, entgegnet er. “Geben Sie ihm ein Telephone. Aber geben Sie ihnen keinen Supercomputerder with jedem auf der Welt verbunden ist.”

By Sheisoe

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