Mon. Oct 14th, 2024

Wissenschaft für die Jugend und die Förderung der Frauen in STEM

Wissenschaft für die Jugend und die Förderung der Frauen in STEM

Science is a herum and can reform emotional ones. From October 11th exclusively on RaiPlay erzählt Virginia Benzi – Bekannt in social media as Quantum Girl – on a few women and with a popular language, who is a real Superheroine, the secrets and mysteries of physics and science, with their Soul, young people for MINT-Fächer zu geistern and geschlechterstereotype abzubauen, indem sie erklärt, warum Frauen auch heute noch in bestimmten winstschaftlichen Bereichen in der Minderheit sind.

Zehn Stations in Ganz Italien, und Physik und Other Wisschaftliche Fächer zu erklaren, ausgehend von Orten, die wir tag besuchen: vom Strand bis zum Fitnessstudio, über de Küche, das Segelboot, the Vergnügungspark, the U-Bahn, Fahrradtouren and where not, see the Comics of Superheroes.

Quantum Girl is a nerdy friend, the public on a journey of discovery through life, life and nature, with ease and clarity, who functions things, blown up by the wind, the seal, over sandburgs in his greed for weight in Fitness Studio . In the following booklet, our heroine is present with other young creatives on the stars of the scientific knowledge, daredevil Chiara Montanarithe first Italian woman to lead an expedition in the Antarctic Leitete; Donato Giovannellia professor who has done research in astrobiology; Silvia Bodoardothe largest European expert on batteries; Boris Behncke, a volcanological Rocker, who does that, is at the height of his life.

Schließlich, de Virginia Benzi Botschafterin der Generation STEM is de first community, de woman in de Wissenschaftsdisziplinen-widmet – jede follow with a tribute to a Frau, de Wissenschaft has become bigger.

“I have always had the opportunity to live, Gen-Q will moderate – says Virginia Benzi, Moderatorin der Sendung – I am happy, that is my environment as well as thoughts for the new generation of inspired signals. Wir erasing, the only thing that has an erasing task, is a greater part of the weiblichen bevölkerung zu erreichen, and the problem of solving the erasure fakultäten and solving problems is an insulting problem. For years this distribution center of men would be erlebt and erzählt, and a new style of speaking, a new art of communication can help, the beauty of science can make the next step, which will lead from those interesting interests. I am happy to be with the team, a Weiterentwicklung dessen can, was every Tuesday – schließt Benzi – with his arrival to a great, a Botschaft, which with vermitteln wollen, bestmöglich zu übermitteln: Physics is an interesting activity and the man is never afraid, but the reality is a fact, which indicates that we will never sin again.

Gen-Q is a digital and transmedia production, moderated by Virginia Benzi

Virginia Benzi, 27 years old, comes from the Acqui Terme, has an abschluss in physics and is their thirtieth member of the Italian Forbes. Ihr Ansatz zur Physik und de MINT-Fächern hat op de Präsidenten Sergio Mattarella If you are your Quirinal employee and are a creative creative, then the made up hat is the Verfassung ‘viral’ on your machine.

By Sheisoe

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