Wed. Oct 16th, 2024

Heute gibt’s den Friedensnobelpreis – or not?

Heute gibt’s den Friedensnobelpreis – or not?

Guten Morgen, dear Leserinnen and Leser,

Genau 30 years is her, the three men of the Hoffnung der Welt on Frieden in the new East Nahrung went through the Friedensnobelpreis in 1994 and Palästinenserführer Jassir Arafat who both Israeli politicians Schimon Peres and Izchak Rabin died. It is a war, so the Nobel Committee in Oslo has won the battle for “strengthening the power of the post-host conflicts”. The Trio has had a “weekly involvement in a historical process”, being able to win the “Krieg en Hass” through “Vrienden en Zusammenarbeit”.

Now, three years old, there is still room for celebration at home, so it’s good that you don’t live there. Those three Herren are up to date. Rabin would have a good feeling after the Nobel Prize for a fanatical, right-wing extremist Israeli erschossen (on a veranstaltung under the motto “Yes zum Frieden, Nein zur Gewalt”). In the region there is a blutiger Krieg, which is the Flächenbrand ausweitet.

Keine Verleihung in the year 2024? Abbildung des Friedensnobelprijs.

Keine Verleihung in the year 2024? Abbildung des Friedensnobelprijs.

It is a mystery that the complexity of the Krieges remains unnoticed, the subsequent conflict with the hot Vergabe of the Friedensnobel Prizes that plays a role. Others include various Palästinensic individuals and nominated organizations. Those Nobel Prizes were always mirror ihrer Zeit.

Could you also end the Auszeichnung? Der Russian Menschenrechtler Alexej Nawalny posthum? The Organization for Security and Social Work in Europe (OSZE)? The International Court of Justice in The Hague? That UN cultural organization UNESCO? Or is the UN Palästinenserhilfswerk UNRWA still necessary? Or – if spectacle warnings and the Weltgemeinschaft in the last Kriegerische Zeiten – the Vergabe des Friedens Nobel Prizes will be expanded, what are the 19th edition of the first Verleihung 1901? At 11 a.m., when the Augen der Welt auf Oslo is focused, the erasure will be more.

Bitten um Bomben: Wolodymyr Selenskyj is the hottest guest in Berlin

On the occasion of the Friedensnobelpreisvergabesucht of the President of the Landes, which is a massive part of the public events at the World Conference, Berlin: The Ukrainian President Wolodymyr Selenskyj visited the Vatican with Papst Franziskus and then traveled to the German main city. Dort will make the non-Heimat ruling together with Bundeskanzler Olaf Scholz and Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier. Gerade has brought the EU new Hilfen im Wart of 35 Billion Euros onto the road.

It will take a year for Ukraine to face the other power and more massive Western invasion by Vladimir Putin’s Russian army. Provide a report from the Italian Tageszeitung “Corriere della Sera”, which helped Selensky during a Waffen standstill with Russia through the time of the front line, so that the West gets its Security Guarantee and a fast EU-Beitritt der Ukraine mandatory, older das Land. “It is a guarantee that there is no warranty on the warranty. Other Tauschformate“, wrote etwa Mychajlo Podoljak, Berater des Präsidialamtschefs Andrij Jermak.

Olaf Scholz and Wolodymyr Selenskyj.

Olaf Scholz and Wolodymyr Selenskyj.

Whoever interprets the Low People in the Christian Regions of the Planets, always writes in mutiger Kollege Can Merey in final reports, about the Monate from the Ukraine, then from Israel and then from Lebanon. Seinen Bericht über die Angst in der Lebanesischen Hauptstadt Beirut read here (+).

Zu Gast im Mini-Stadion: Die “Nagelsmänner” in Bosnia

Um Fußball, ganz normalen Fußball, it’s a whole day in the Bürgerkriegsland Bosnia-Herzegovina. The German Fußball-Nationalmannschaft is at 8.45 pm (live on RTL) in Zenica zu Gast in der Nations League. This is the 1020. Länderspiel of the German teams. Julian Nagelsmann has spent the last few years as a Bundestrainer. Seine bishige Bilanz looks cheerful: eight Siege, four Remis and three Niederlagen from 31:16 The release is for Partie Number 16.

Acht Siege, drei Niederlagen: The bishige Bilanz of Bundestrainer Julian Nagelsmann - here during the training of the Fußball-Nationalmannschaft, in the Donnerstag for the Nations-League-Spiel in Bosnia-Herzegovina - turned out positively.

Acht Siege, drei Niederlagen: The bishige Bilanz of Bundestrainer Julian Nagelsmann – here during the training of the Fußball-Nationalmannschaft, in the Donnerstag for the Nations-League-Spiel in Bosnia-Herzegovina – turned out positively.

If you read twice as many books, a few are now lost: in 1:2 after the Verlengerung in Spain in the Viertelfinal of the Heim-EM in diesem Jahr, nach een (who can erase all and jedermann bezeugen) to an unjust trade meter for the German Mannschaft. Auch bei manchem Debutant proved to have a glückliches handschen.

I am now around 13,000 Zuschauer fassenden Stadion Bilino Polje in Zenica come and visit us before meeting both nations. This is the second time that the Freundschaftsspielen during the WM 2010 in Frankfurt has ended in 3:1 in Germany. The first Duell 2002 went out 1:1. It has now been a year since the Massaker von Srebrenica and the end of Bosnia-Herzegovina 1995 in Sarajevo. Would you like to spend an unanswered football match in the Stadiums of Kiev, Tel Aviv and Beirut if you want to play?

We would like to have a good day Start in those days Tag,

Ihr Imre Grimm

Der Tag

Wissen, was passionrt – met de Nachrichten-Briefing vom RedaktionsNetzwerk Deutschland. From morning session at 6 am and the Abend briefing at 5 pm.

Were very important

An action that affects the Wünsche, Benachteilungen and Hoffnungen young people in all Welt merksam power – the idea of ​​the German Ablegers of Hilfsorganisation Plan International. So the loss of the German Verein as the title Kampagne „Because I am a Girl“ in September 2008 is – nor inoffiziellen – „Internationalen Mädchentag“ aus. The war was a global war: in 2011, the idea of ​​the German Bundestag did not go beyond the UNO. Today is the 11th of October as the International Day of the Girl Child. Also auch heute. For the active Vorstandsvorsitzende von Plan International in Deutschland, Petra Bernerit is a Zweifel with an ereignisreicher Tag. In many countries, there are many aspects of the environment around the stage, open-plan buildings are – as they say, Geschlechterklischees – in pink colors Lightly shrouded. More information about the “Weltmädchentag” can be found here and here.

Exclusive to RND

Donald Trump heute, 1988 and in the film The Apprentice - the Trump Story (2024)

The story of a Narcissist: Diesen Film wolllte Donald Trump unbedingt verhindern

Director Ali Abbasi starred in ‘The Apprentice’ so thought he was seen as a young New Yorker real estate agent during the Donald Trump era. Jetzt started the film, the ex-president’s idiosyncratic foreclosure, in the US and in Germany. Could it be that Trump could use this version?

Grüner Vorsitzenden-Kandidat Banaszak will Kurs der Mitte en ist offen für Schwarz-Grün

Felix Banaszak, who stood as a candidate for the Vorsitz of the Greens in the Bund, who never concluded a Kurs der Mitte-plädiert, a part of the Krise in the Bund, and a coalition with the Union. “My war is a fact and it is true that people may no longer be able to exist – and yes, in the Mitte auszugreifen,” says the RND. All things said, the whole world is “nicht da, wo Friedrich Merz sie vermutet, sondern da, wo Menschen mit sehr kosten ganz konkreten Alltagssorgen konfrontiert sind – dort, wo Eltern jeden Tag neuer überlegen müssen, wie die Betreuung ihrer Kinder en ihren Beruf unter einen It is possible to get to the Kita das Personal Fehlt, aber auch beim Termin in Bürgeramt, both of the blocked Autobahnbrücke, which requires the Arbeitsweg, or beim Zug, der mal wieder ausfällt. If politics is no longer on the Alltag of the People, it is no longer on the Golf- or Flugzeuglandeplatz, then it will be in the middle. An um diese Mitte will ich kämpfen.”

Bundesinnenministerium: Fast 1000 mafiosi in Germany

The Italian mafia hat in Deutschland fast 1000 Mitglieder. There is information about the RND about the Antwort of the Bundesinnenministeriums about part of the Grünen-hervor. “Im Rahmen der Gemeinsamen Erhebung des Bundeskriminalamtes und der Landescriminalämter wurden Jahr insgesamt 933 dauerhaft in Deutschland, mutmaßliche Mitglieder der Italienischen Organisierten Kriminalität festgestellt“, heißt es therein.

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By Sheisoe

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