Wed. Oct 16th, 2024



Würdigung des Gründers und CEO of steAm, Inc., Jazz Pianist, Mathematician und Produzent des Themaprojekts Expo 2025, der in Zusammenarbeit met Clé de Peau Beauté de nächste Generation von Mädchen durch STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) inspiring world .

Clé de Peau Beauté, de Luxus-Hautpflege- und Make-up-Marke, fühlt sich geehrt, Sachiko Nakajima as Empfängerin the Power of Radiance Awards 2025 for an unermüdlichen Einsatz zur Förderung der STEAM-Bildung can not be ben. Frau Nakajima made a name for herself in the STEAM industry back in the day, as the first Japanese to win a gold medal at the International Mathematics Olympiad in high school. As a jazz pianist it is about the Kurage Band Vida: Concerto of Five Senses – a group of music players, the STEAM by the fünf Sinne zum Leben erweckt. In 2017, STEAM, Inc. founded an organization that developed STEAM imagery and creative capabilities in its human Widmet.

With the many Power of Radiance Awards, women were honored who, in their communities, dedicated themselves to the portrayal of Mädchen. The Auszeichnungen Wurden 2019 ins Leben geufen und basieren auf der Überzeugung von Clé de Peau Beauté, dass der Schlüssel zu besseren Welt in der Erschließung des Potenzials von Mädchen liesgt, in particular due to STEAM-Bildung.

Frau Nakajima’s work prefers this surrender and is perfect for the mission of Clé de Peau Beauté, making the photos stand out and worth starting to work in STEAM mode, a kind of care for everything you want n. In the Global Gender Gap Report 2024 of world forums in Japan on 118 of 146 Ländern in Bezug auf de Gleichstellung der Geschlechter eingestuft, erhebliche Ungleichheiten in Bereichen wie STEM(1) unterstreicht. Proud Japan’s Position as one of the great Volkswirtschaften der Welt und der weltweit herausragende Leistungen Japanese Mädchen in Mathematics and Natural Sciences(2) is now 16% of the STEM Absolvents in Japan Frauen(3). Woman Nakajimas cherish souls that will realize this unhappiness, that they will overcome the barriers, that women and women will continue to have traditions, a STEM image and career that will follow.

With the Power of Radiance Awards, Clé de Peau Beauté can grow a global community of women walking a positive path. Ms. Nakajima on Reshma Saujani, the winner of the Power of Radiance 2024 Award and the Gründerin of Girls Who Code and Moms First, was presented by Clé de Peau Beauté during the International Day of the Girl in New York. When the sale is carried out by Frau Saujani and other Befürworterinnen of the Geschlechtergleichstellung, the idea is that Frauen can earn their money, a new generation of Mädchen in STEAM to steam. As a prize winner in the Power of Radiance 2025 Award, Frau Nakajima will be reimbursed for the Bemühungen and the Vermächtnis der Preisträger for the truly, truly Frau Saujani, fortführen, who brings this global experience into her work in Japan.

As an Empfängerin the Power of Radiance Awards 2025, Frau Nakajima has received a Stipend, that they their work and the mission, the work and the mission, women and women who inspire and want to arouse their interest and STEAM field.

This is a commitment to the Asia Foundation, which is part of the Project “STEM ConnectHER” work. This initiative is a regional network of women in STEM fields in the Asian-Pazifischen Raum for college students and faculty mentoring and support Because we would like Frau Nakajima to be active for “Suri-Joshi”, a program, the workshops that are organized and inhaled online, is a way to learn and find the Freude and the mathematics in the background The initiative goes by, stereotypes are used and young women are taught mathematics in the region, in the form of a weibliche image in the STEM book.

Frau Nakajima has never participated in the Activities of Expo 2025, and is also a thematic project producer for the Playground of Life: Jellyfish Pavilion. On the basis of the multidisciplinary collaboration and the celebration of the glazing of the individual commitments, a treatise that is carried out, will create a communal and integrated space, in people while learning, art and much more spa and Freude in life experience could.

„It is a Ehre, the Clé de Peau Beauté’s Power of Radiance Award has been awarded, the largest beige hat, the new generation of the mother’s generation and the intactness in the STEAM display on the whole world of their bekämpfen. So if the economy in those countries is run by men who dominate, the business can boost credit and innovation. When I work with the beauty of Clé de Peau, with the editing, STEAM niece for women and women is broader. I am happy, because the Gleichstellung der Geschlechter und alle Formen der Inclusion in STEAM nicht nur teilhaft, sonden für een fortschrittliche Gesellschaft unerlässlich sind”, said Frau Nakajima.

“Since 2019, the Power of Radiance Awards have been presented to a central Pfeiler that awards philanthropic commitments, with their women, who adopt a positive attitude to the world of well-being through a positive walk. We will continue our commitment to the Company’s relationship and business over the years with Frau Nakajima and Steam, Inc. with Vertives,” said Mizuki Hashimoto, Chief Brand Officer of Clé de Peau Beauté.

Clé de Peau Beauté is davon überzeugt, dat jeder das Potenzial besitzt, seine innere Ausstrahlung zu usefulen, zu wirken viränderungen. With this Grund, the Mark has developed a number of products for the first Schritt, The Serum, a product and part of it is used for this mission through its development. With the Power of Radiance Awards, beautiful women can distinguish themselves and give their gemstones a great opportunity.

Information about Sachiko Nakajima

Sachiko Nakajima is a music, math, STEAM pathagogin and medionkünstlerin. They are the Gründerin und Geschäftsführerin von steAm, Inc. and the directors of the SteAm BAND Association as well as the production of thematic projects at Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai, Japan (Signature Pavilion “Playground of Life: Jellyfish Pavilion”). Japan and internationally in music, mathematics, STEAM art and media arts is a great way to reach a creative potential, an overview of the possibilities or the change in the game of STEAM images. If the social economy and personal development of the company are promoted, part of the interest and lending in Japan will be reimbursed by the Frau Nakajima for the Mädchen for the Kabinettsamt. sie war außerdem Mitglied verschiedener Ausschüsse der Ministries für Bildung, Kultur, Sport, Wissenschaft und Technology (MEXT) und verschiedener Regionale regièreungen; and his War Fulbright-Stipendiatin at New York University Tisch School of the Arts. I would die later, as the first Japanese to win a Gold Medal at the International Mathematical Olympics. It is a matter of Mutter and 18-jährigen Mädchens.

Information about Clé de Peau Beauté

Clé de Peau Beauté, the global luxury market of Shiseido Co Ltd, was founded in 1982 as the ultimate Ausdruck von Eleganz and Wissenschaft. Clé de Peau Beauté ist der Schlüssel zur Schönheit der Haut. The philosophy of the market is the Kraft of Ausstrahlung through the Nutzung of Make-up Technologies and fortschrittlicher Hautpflege from the geese Wereldfreizusetzen. Clé de Peau Beauté is one of the exquisite aesthetic sensitivity and intelligence that radiates its products with modernity, production and dynamism, an industry association for a brand that has such an influence on the appearance of its own beam. Erhältlich in 26 Ländern und Regionen weltweit.

Clé de Peau Beauté Offizielle Website:

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 (1) Global Gender Gap Report 2024

 (2) How Japan is encouraging more women into STEM

 (3) How Japan is encouraging more women into STEM

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By Sheisoe

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