Mon. Oct 21st, 2024

3000 people around 90’000 birds in Switzerland

3000 people around 90’000 birds in Switzerland



Keystone / Sigi Tischler

Im Rahmen der Aktion Eurobirdwatch has made a flight of 3000 people in Switzerland to 93,000 Vögel gezählt.

The Buchfink War with over 30,000 individuals dying in high quality Art. More than 13,000 stare and 11,000 raw materials will be eaten, including the Nature Conservancy Birdlife at Montag mit. Gezählt wurde an 53 Ständen in all Regionen der Schweiz.

The birdlife was visited by Passover Admirale. Nicht nur Vögel, especially Schmetterlinge and other Insektenarten fly weite Strecken nach Süden, in überwintern.

The Citizen Science Action Eurobirdwatch is active in 34 countries in Europe and is widely distributed. 24’000 pieces of meat eaten 3.5 million birds.

Zwergtaucher is Swiss Bird of the Year 2024

Birdlife Switzerland has been living since the year 2024. The smallest European washer bird and “Federknäuel unserer gewässer en feuchtgebiete” are a symbol for the good washer, and thus the organization.

The Zwergtaucher has been busy with the Schweiz anzutreffen for a year. Der Vogel met den Emergen Trillern bevorzugt Gewässer met kostenlos Ufervegetation und a intestinal krautschicht under Wasser met schlammigem Grund.

It wasn’t that it was obvious, but it is a fact that you can acknowledge. The Zwergtaucher is mainly concerned with insects and larvae, in winter with small fish in groups or bars.



Ferran Pestaña – Flickr: zampullín

The wasservogel spends its brutzeit from April to June before it is in the middle layer of the midlands, it is in the medium term. In that time period it is one of the striking Triller, then there is a payback period.

The washings are not carried out by the Zwergtaucher of other Geschlecht with verschiedenen Tauch- und Imponiermanövern. These two boils were done on the back conveyance.




More information is available on the news that the birdlife is not yet available: Gemäss Birdlife is on the Pre-Warning List of the Roten Lijst gefährdeter Arten in Switzerland. Because of this, it is important to understand the organization that the available resources are in good condition.

Gesucht: Schweizer Vogel des Jahres 2025

Zum first die Eurobirdwatch die Wahl des Schweizer Vogels des Jahres für nächstes Jahr der Öffentlichkeit zugänglich.

Zur Wahl stehen Grünspecht, Kleiber, Mönchsgrasmücke, Rotkehlchen und Schwanzmeise. Interested from 1. to 31. October 2024 in good time.




By Sheisoe

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