Sat. Oct 12th, 2024

Elon Musk as Werkzeug of the Kremls

Elon Musk as Werkzeug of the Kremls

In October 2023, Elon Musk posts Meme dies. “Das Gefühl, if 5 minutes later you have received a billion dollar Hilfsgelder, it is worth more than a million dollars.” Much attention has been paid to Ukrainian President Wolodymir Selensky and criticism of the Western Hilfspakete in Ukraine.

The report of the Ukrainian parliament has responded with a small summary of the meme version: «Das Gefühl, wenn du seit 5 Minuten has no more Russian propaganda to spread.»

The Damals War was now a laconic war in Ukraine. Heute delete wir: Dieses Meme kommt tatsächlich directly from the Russian Propaganda Maschine. Kreiert has an organization that lives in the Russian state services, the Meinung in the West with admixtures.

Messages from Secret Services and Tech-Unternehmen have appeared, and Fake Posts and Videos have been influenced. All the material said, who finds memes in the way of Kreml in our found feeds.

April 2022, Russia. «Wir müssen übertreiben. We must buy an Atom Psychosis.» In Dieser Sitzung Sergei Wassiljewitsch Kirijenko spoke. Kirijenko is a sterlvertretretende Leader of the Russian Präsidiale verwaltung and gilded as Putin’s straight Hand.

Ebenfall’s answer in the Sitzung: Vertreter van «Social Design Agency», kurz SDA. The SDA is a representative of the Kremlin’s Russian propaganda. In Werbevideos that portray the Gründer as Mitglied der “ideologische Streitkräfte Russlands”, Abzeichen is involved.

The agent is working with the Kreml. I started another surgery in April 2022. And that is not Zufall: Zwei Monate has fallen to Russia in the Ukraine. The plan, the country in a Blitzkrieg, has not been carried out by Russian control. Nor do we imagine that the western states are separated from Ukraine. Für Russia moved.

There is a plan that will help her, in western Germany, open up Ukraine and arouse Russian interest.

In the Zahlreichen Sitzungen, the SDA coordinates one of the largest Russian propaganda campaigns together with Kreml-Vertretern. Of course, no one can sit without a film at Die Sitzungen in der Agentur. Aber we can find out more about it. Thank you for your documents here. An FBI agent is a Sitzungsprotocol that fits the American Ministry of Justice. Die Ergebnisse der Ermittlungen lie in een eidestattlichen Erklärung vor. View 277 pages – including messages, meeting notifications and screenshots.

The protocols were developed with knowledge from an unknown research institute and tech giants with meta- and umfangreichen leaks from the SDA, which the German middle class could use. Thank all these materials are less important, because Russia has systematically used propaganda campaigns.

Start this campaign with Russia before visiting any website, who it is here. If you want to give your opinion about the media websites, here you will find the American “Washington Post”. The URL is extremely extreme – aber statt «.com» the domain ends in «.ltd». If the author’s name is a real journalist, you will no longer be able to read the article. I myself am an article that is an English Ukrainian biowaffen. In Wahrheit eine längst entkräftete Verschwörungstheorie.

You see a man, desto deutlicher notes man: the article on the website does not fit at all on medium and is not a bit correct. The Ukrainian president as ‘head of Ukraine’ does not speak English.

You start the campaign in some of the states – in the summer of 2022, the SDA will change in the future.
«Those Germans are more abhänger than those Franzosen. Konzentrieren goes to the Germans.»

Clear: Both Länder are gross and in Europe bedeutsam, aber Deutschland ist in Gegensatz zu Frankreich fell more on Russian Gas angewiesen. The SDA will also fase Deutschland in Auge. This covers itself with Beobachtungen von Meta: After the meeting fälschen de Propagandisten are nur noch deutsche Webseiten. The instrumental propaganda often becomes disinterested and disinterested, it is a shame. Zum Beispiel in diesem gefälschten «Spiegel»-Article über die wirtschaftliche Lage Deutschlands. Here is something else: “The lifting of the anti-Russian sanctions”, on the “finite road, is the final Zerstörung that has eliminated the Industry and the Zusammenbruch of the joint Wirtschaft zu Vermeiden”.

Genau who planted in the meeting: “Wir müssen die Deutschen überzeugen, die ineffiziente Sanktionspolitik abzulehnen.”
If there is a case of counterfeiting, please set the SDA to comment. Fake accounts on social media contain links to fake articles, fake political opinions and memes – straight from the Feder der SDA Caricaturists. Often these accounts do not have a real profile and there are 50 followers. Here is all the plan, which is here in the SDA internal documents: no own messages, other messages do not come, there may be more messages out there. And perhaps with disinterested reactions, including cartoons and memes – this can cause emotional reactions.

Trotz all der akribischen Vorbereitung haben die gefälschten Article and Memes often Schwierigkeiten, a breite Publikum zu erreichen and real Engagement zu erzeugen. Nothing, we will acknowledge the campaign’s social media platforms and make even more connections. I started running 1600 accounts and 700 pages related to Beispiel Meta in September 2022. «Wir müssen uns überlegen, wir nicht an Einfluss gewinnen. Die Kennwerte steigen nicht an.»

As the operation keeps getting bigger, but Wahlen in the US, it’s getting gold plated. “For Russia it is a sin to fulfill the state of affairs of the Republikaner (zullererst jene von Trump-Unterstützern) as a dominant power” – he appeared in this Memo. And so she said a Strategwechsel ab in 2023. Away from gefälschten Nachrichtenseiten, his influence.

“Sergei doesn’t have a single day left, our influencer in Australia is a fact.”

«Wir Brauchen Influencer! Lots of Davon. If you want this, check it out first.» Gesagt, getan.

There is a YouTube video by Tim Pool. Tim Pool is a conservative influencer and part of the Unternehmens Tenet Media. Deren Mitarbeiter sollen über Umwege von Russia Today bezahlt besin, welches wiederum vom Russian State control is. Gesamthonorar laut Anklageschrift: 10 Millionen US-Dollar. The Tenet Media influencer doesn’t want to have any financial problems. You see it as an offer and waiver from the Russian state. Knowing a man as a journalist – a man who worked his ass off a few hundred years ago is no longer surprising.

The Leaks and the media and FBI investigations have exposed our anatomy as a Russian propaganda campaign. In the Umsetzung it is Quantität vor Qualität. 1000 comments about the tag and country will be included in this project description; That is since 60,000 in Germany and France. No matter how plausible or absurd it is, it is vague. If you see a worldview, it is a self-chosen kümmern soll.

If all goes well: the abolition of a state ends up within its own borders and with its own citizens, Allians do not look like they will be embarrassed. Ausserdem has strengthened the Western Democrats with their business activities in their lives and it seems that this is not happening in the world of business.

Geschickterweise became as austerity and problem problem, it is a major challenge, both migration and inflation. It is clear that Russia is helping the world, if the whole world is seen that way – you are isolating the democratic state services, but we are hindering the Kremlin to arouse interest.

I am very much of the opinion that the meal changes in the sick situation. Now if some of the security increases, democracy in democracy can reach a large unjustified machine. The propaganda for the propaganda would be a fehler.

Das Meme from Elon Musk to Beispiel? After the leaks are cleared, this is the case: a cleared Sofia on the Social Design Agency team.

By Sheisoe

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