Tue. Oct 15th, 2024

Wilderbestände nehmen weltweit important ab

Wilderbestände nehmen weltweit important ab

Berlin/Hamburg. Die Bestände von Wildtieren nehmen weltweit important ab. This is one of the most recent ‘Living Planet Report 2024’ from the WWF and the Zoologische Gesellschaft London with data from more than 5,500 Wirbeltierarten weltweit reform. Demnach schrumpften die insgesamt 35,000 underexposed populations – Darunter Säugetiere, Vögel, Fische, Amphibien en Reptilien – in de Vergangen 50 Jahren um duchschnittlich 73 Prozent.

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The most recent products after the WWF program are the Süßwasserökosysteme with 85 Prozent, folgt von Land- (69 Prozent) and meeresökosysteme (56 Prozent). Geographically, the hardest hit are Late America and the Caribik (95 percent), Africa (76 percent) and the Asia-Pazifik region (60 percent).

WWF activists for Klimastreik in Berlin in front of the Federal Chancellery.

WWF activists for Klimastreik in Berlin in front of the Federal Chancellery.

“Wir zerstören, was uns am Leben hält”

“The Living Planet Index said: Our zerstören was our life,” says WWF Principal Kathrin Samson. “Our security, our livelihood organization, our cleaning of the washer, the stability of the Wirtschaft and the erträgliche temperature caused by influences of cooling systems and wild animals.”

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Laut WWF since all Ursachen für das Artensterben menschengemacht. The Zerstörung der Lebensräume velder Tiere und Pflanzen, de Umweltverschmutzung und de Klimakrise konnnten bedeuten voor many Arten das Aus.

Ursachen für das Artensterben menschengemacht

Dramatically it is attractive to the Atlantic Kabeljau/Dorsch in the North Atlantic and the western Baltic Sea. Signal File brach zwischen 2000 und 2023 um 77 Prozent ein. The populations of the Amazon Flussdelfine and the smaller Tucuxi Delfine in Brazil’s Mamirauá Protected Area were between 65 percent and 75 percent between 1996 and 2016.

The medical protection authorities will be sure to join Wisent. The art war in the Freier Wildbahn was carried out and continued on 6,800 Tiere angewachsen. While the mountain gorillas in the Virunga Mountain Massif in the border region of Congo, Rwanda and Uganda are depleted, the stock has risen to about 700 tier.

Uganda, Kisoro: A baby mountain gorilla hangs head-to-toe in the Rainforest of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks in the South-West of the Landes.

Uganda, Kisoro: A baby mountain gorilla hangs head-to-toe in the Rainforest of the Bwindi Impenetrable National Parks in the South-West of the Landes.

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Doppelkrise with biodiversity and climax

“The double crisis of biodiversity and the climate crisis no longer bring any art to the Borders, but ensure that the stable system of the system becomes more stable,” says Samson. The destruction of the Amazon rainforest and the global mass destruction of coral reefs have now doubled. “Die Kipppunkte, af die wir zusteuern, markieren die Grenze des Unumkehrbaren”, said Samson.

The following years are separated from the zest for life on the Erde. “Neither could we continue with the Ruder herumreisen und de Verlust der Biological Vielfalt. This means that the transformation of economics and society will become more rapid,” which means Samson.


By Sheisoe

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