
One of the last shots in the film is the developed polaroid of Samuel and the house that lies amidst the ashes of the cabin. In it, you see the snake hand of Evil on his shoulder, ruling over him. It is real to him because he manifested it. Just as he manifested it to the young girl who claimed to be the hiker’s daughter. As he lies dying, the hiker calls out a woman’s name, but it is never confirmed that he is calling out for his daughter, nor does he mention that he has a child waiting for him as he begs for his life.

Samuel and Nolan react differently to Evil because they choose to. Samuel is devout and unquestioning, insisting on rigidity in the same way that Mama did (and he showed no symptoms of schizophrenia before). Nolan is curious and optimistic, asking healthy, reasonable questions about the world around him throughout the film. Evil is not in doubt. It is everywhere, just as Mama said. But Mama and Samuel chose to give Evil power over them: it ruled their every waking moment. Meanwhile, Nolan chose curiosity, and, looking Evil in the face, he chose love.

Does Never Let Go have a post-credits scene?

As stated above, there are no additional scenes once the credits begin to roll.

But what do you think about Never Let Go? Let’s discuss it in the comments!
